
Looks like Tobe Hooper and I agree about something.

Elon Musk and James Cameron racing subs would be the biggest thing since Superman raced the Flash.

I blame Shia. For everything.

He does still seem to act like he's the biggest star in the world, as opposed to the guy who shaved his head for a supporting role in "Paranoia".

Exactly. I posted this to my FB page 2 years ago, knowing I had a whole gaggle of SW nuts, and got a "meh" response. Then it gets blogged in 48 hours by a half dozen sites and its thousands of "likes". #cantwin

Curious as to why this trailer's such a big deal the last 24 hours, with various sites linking to it. It's been on YouTube for ages.

Not that it's really important to enjoying his movies, but is Cuaron religious? Because Children of Men was also heavily laden with religious metaphors (pretty obvious ones in that case), so obviously it's something that's on his mind.

Or when she looks up from the beach, she sees an army of apes with guns riding horses.

Not that the Oscars is the final word on excellence, but 12 Years A Slave is gonna have to be just out of the world great to take Best Picture and Director from this movie. I can see it happening for a lot of reasons. I can also see Cuaron winning the DGA award since every A list director with a Twitter account has

One thematic element I found nice and subtle which no one's mentioned is how Bullock moves through states of belief: from non belief in space, to the Russian vessel with Christian iconography, than a Chinese one with a noticeable Buddhist statue.

That's where I saw it. Theater doesn't look any different but the work they did on expanding the IMAX screen is very nice. And the sound is noticeably better. But be prepared to pay a premium: cost me $19.

My rule is if it's a director I respect - like Cuaron or Ang Lee or Scorsese - and they intended the movie to be in 3D, then that's how I'll see it, because I honor their talent and know they're not just doing it to get anothr $3 bucks out of me. 90% of the directors, though...meh.

Well, that 55 million WB just made from Gravity should ease any concerns about female driven action movies not doing well.

In other words, he's talking like a CEO and not a creative person.

Ford actually looks like he's about to fall asleep halfway through the scene.

Cosmopolis was freaking horrible (nearly unwatchable), but I really liked Dangerous Method. I also don't see Cronenberg ever making a studio picture. I know he's flirted with it often, but he's far too esoteric and idiosyncratic a filmmaker. I also think he pretty much demands final cut on all his movies, which he can

Cronenberg's made it pretty clear he's done with "body horror" movies. He really hasn't made one since "Crash" and that was over a decade ago (even Existenz is a distant memory, if you count that).

Might explain why he kept working with Mick Garris, who is the furthest from the auteur Kubrick was. King actually thought "Sleepwalkers" was a good adaptation of his work, which pretty much explains everything.

King did his version and it was, to put it charitably, pedestrian. Kubrick's version is considered one of the greatest, if not the greatest, horror movies ever. The book is the book, but as far as film versions go, Kubrick got it just right.