
You know, watching this match again, after watching the awful way that the blackout was handled during the Superbowl by the broadcast team, it's pretty amazing how well Ross and Lawler fill the gap while Foley is down after the first bump. Granted it was only 5 minutes instead of as long as the Superbowl blackout

The cage wasn't supposed to give, they were supposed to stay on top. Also because there was a chair next to him on top, it fell through at the same time he did and smashed him in the face.

His tooth coming out through his nose is what always got me. Fuck I love this match. I know everyone talks about him and Funk in Japan as Foley's pinnacle and that match is awesome but this one blows my mind every time I watch it. And Jim Ross's call rivals the best play by play in any sport, ever. (I can't

Obviously because they're climbing in his windows, they're snatching his people up.

You know it's funny, I didn't even think of that aspect, I was considering it as a sort of voluntary thing - "Come To Prison, Lose Years Off Your Life" ...

But yours is a more interesting way to see it. If you have to kill people in order to really make it worth it, it changes the whole dynamic. I think in that case,

If you could go to prison and it would erase the corresponding number of years off of your life (i.e. if you went in for five years when you came out you'd be five years younger, etc.) would you do it? If so, at what age? Do you live till 80 and then go to prison for 60 years and start at 20 again? Do you go in for

"That's what I call 'packing heat,' Ed."
- Lennie Briscoe

"I woulda been neutered with a smile."

Funny, I think the same thing might happen whenever I see a picture of Anne Hathaway enjoying herself.

Hah. Man what I wouldn't give for a 21 team league again...

F. Murray. Abraham.