The Far Side prophesy is coming true!
The Far Side prophesy is coming true!
I might buy a used PS3 so I can finally play DS1 and Demons Souls
7. Hoard it forever because you are emotionally attached to it.
-when your name is Isha Aran and you haven’t written about Cardi B in over six hours
So I only have to repeat the same heists for 40-50 hours to buy the 8 million dollar yacht? What a deal!
It baffles me that vanilla D1 had Heroic Strikes on day one. Then after years of community feedback, Bungie improved Strikes over time with exclusive loot, scoring and buffs. Three years later the sequel arrives with no Heroic Strikes; only to have them come back behind a DLC paywall- without any of the previous…
Niantic implemented something into Pokemon GO that is half-assed and poorly thought out? Shocking.
The other services give you 6 times as much. Still getting it... but come on.
On the other hand it used to be free.
$20 for a year feels like a steal when the other services charge 3 times that.
It’ll be like playing Goldeneye with license to kill and power weapons.
Is it wrong to say that I like X over the core series, 100 times out of a 100?
Lozzle’s comment is a little silly, but at the same point in time, Kotaku hasn’t posted your video to the youtube channel yet... so even if they clicked there... they’d have to wait...
Pink Vader sounds awesome.
And this is what happens when you treat games as a service™ instead of as a product or an art.
In other news, EA said they didn’t want cosmetics to be the main draw of the loot boxes because they didn’t wanna mess with canon by having something like a pink Darth Vader, as people will be pissed if they deviate too much from the source material.
Hey, Brian Ashcraft, this might not be the time place, but I think you should also report about Christopher Ayers’ - the English voice of Frieza - situation, who has been diagonsed with end-stage c.o.p.d; He requires a lung transplant.
There is a page to donate some money for the surgery, but it by now has reached the…
They solved this problem once, by simply not including a power supply with the 3DS. Gene-iOS-lee.