It’s been 10 years and there is a 0.0% chance this alternate continuity game is going to reference the events of Brand New Day, time to let this one go
It’s been 10 years and there is a 0.0% chance this alternate continuity game is going to reference the events of Brand New Day, time to let this one go
My dude, it’s a comic book character.
So far all of the PS4 exclusives have preformed well on both. I wouldn’t worry to much.
You mean the article that’s talking about DQ11 and not MHW?
I figured Pokemon was given but I didnt expect MHW to sell more than Breath of the Wild.
Though if you put together Dragon Quest XI PS4 and 3DS numbers it would easily jump to first place.
Or if you have Gamer’s Club it’s $23.99 at Best Buy
Or if you have Gamer’s Club it’s $23.99 at Best Buy
Kids don’t have the mental discipline to deny themselves. Therefore we should do it for them. No smart phone until your 18...blanket ban. You turn 18, sign up for the draft, go vote, then go get your smart phone.
I graduated HS in 2006; everyone had a cell phone, but they were all pretty much garbage bricks and almost no one had internet. It actually kinda blows my mind to think about how rapidly cell phone tech has advanced in the last decade.
On the one hand, part of me resents the fact that I grew up in a period before tech like this was available. Adult-me knows just how much kid-me would have taken advantage of this.
Damn kids are living the dream.
You can buy an incubator upgrade kit from a dojo’s research labs that will prevent it from dying now. However, that was recent.. so your pet is surely dead by now.
The company was his horcrux.
I’m pretty sure you could make any game sound like a bad game with that point of view. You could say they’re all just lots of minigames put together... Right?
Dang dude - with all due respect, you are immensely mistaken, or you’re trolling and I’m confused. But... Here we go: Breath of the Wild, Odyssey, Cuphead, Hollow Knight, Gorogoa, Nier: Automata, Horizon Zero Dawn, Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World, Sonic Mania, Splatoon 2, South Park: The Fractured but Whole, Nioh, A Hat…
As has been mentioned elsewhere, he’s been trained in martial arts. He was prepared for someone attacking him. Doesn’t seem that odd to me.
How so? Because he played a lot of PUBG? He was aspiring to play it professionally. Makes sense he’d spend a lot of time on it.