
It’s that “drops are based on your current light” system that’s been the big game-changer here. Instead of being stuck for ages waiting for a drop or farming for marks, you can actually be endgame-ready just from random blues you find. Your build won’t be as efficient or have perks quite as good as if you were decked

Yeah by the time I get off work at six every site will have this published and Bungie will hot fix this. Some secrets don’t need front page stories.

I can buy a pack of five three of coins for seven strange coins. That’s not confusing.

Just found this out this morning on some facebook feeds but my god does word travel fast. I just hope they dont patch this before i get home tonight and get a chance to try it.

More like an incoherent engram amirite

Well, while Vanilla Destiny wasn’t what I’d hoped, I still enjoyed my time in it immensely, and each mini-expansion improved the base game.

Would you like some fries with that salt?

I plan to return his sword to him as hard as I can.

You can eventually develop a tranquilizer gun with infinitely durable suppressor, though you’ll still need supply drops for tranquilizer darts and Fulton balloons.

I don’t like the guy’s videos and I think that he sparked a really awful YouTube trend. HOWEVER...

This is too awesome and the title of this article just makes it that much better!

Well that is unfortunate. Tell your roommate to stop being a bum!

You say that like it’s a bad thing!

People like going to clubs and watching people tell jokes on stage. What’s next? People will watch video of people who go to clubs to watch people tell jokes on a stage? When will it end? .... ....

I have the same problem. I have attempted VI 3 times, but have never gotten much of anywhere in it before stopping/forgetting about it.

Obviously it doesn’t want spoilers out there, but like that will even stop it from happening.

The lesson may as well be that if you try to get a bunch of people on the internet together to accomplish something, there will always be an enormous amount of people there trying to ruin it because they haven’t anything better to do.

you cant get a better sounding surround sound headset for $35. They sound about as good as the G930’s I had, which I paid over $100 for at the time.

you cant get a better sounding surround sound headset for $35. They sound about as good as the G930’s I had, which I

Calling it a Trojan Horse isn't necessarily accurate. The initial purpose was not to become a multiplayer paywall.
As for your comparison to the X1, he probably means that a lot less things are locked behind Plus than is with Live.