
Before anyone says RNG. Yes I fucking get its random rewards. But, I’ve had several Oryx runs where I’ve gotten NOTHING but shards. THAT SHOULDN’T BE A FUCKING THING. Every time it happens I want to play less and less. It’s a fucking slap in the face.

All day yesterday, 11/10 by 8pm. Now it’s 11/12 8pm. What a fuck load of bullshit. And I PAID for the release date shipping.

Nothing but a bunch of scumbags on Kotaku these days. You can’t say anything without these assholes jumping all over you.

That pic could be a launch or end of developing party too.

Captain Social Justice. It’s the “in” thing. They might as well jump on the bandwagon to make that extra buck.

I quite like the Hunter items though, except the iron banner stuff

You’re right. Most of the warlock stuff is fugly.

Glory be to the divine Sun!! PRAISE IT!!

I’ve not seen more than 5 of these across 3 Characters any particular place you farm the gunsmith fusion rifles?

I never understood Sony not pushing this potentially game changing product. Instead they shrug it off. Like “Aw shucks, mobile gaming. “


Slim Shady. The man who taught me to not give a fuck about a lot of things.

This game is such a pain in the ass. Leech hunter was the bane of my existence. I’m excited to try Wesker mode though. And non tank controls make it so worth a re buy

The game I feel most guilty about hating is FFVI. It is just awful to me.

This game reminds me of Onimusha, a semi horror fantasy. This will be a purchase for me.

It always makes me cringe when I see people just killing people left and right in Metal Gear. Me personally, Big Boss is a hero, ( haven’t beaten 5 yet btw) so I always go with stealth and none lethal. I’ve kind of been indoctrinated by Kojima and his portrayal of the Mythical “Big Boss”. So that’s how I play him. I

True, although I’d say MGS4 tied a lot up if you pay attention.