
This sounds like a pretty good explanation, but it also sounds eerily familiar. There was another game that released not too long ago in a much beloved simulation franchise. It also had certain expected features cut, ostensibly because there were serious technological upgrades that were made to the game, and working

I suppose after addressing the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and the Masters Of Evil, this one is kind of redundant, but still, submitted for your disapproval.

The Man from UNCLE's foe, THRUSH, seems to have taken your advice. Who'd feel threatened by an organization named for a pretty little songbird? On the other hand, since they went out of business in 1968 — because of an inability to recruit good evil talent, according to rumor — perhaps the innocuous name is not the

All consoles are Nintendos.

Nope. The best part about being old is using the wrong terms to refer to things younger generations care about in order to infuriate them. It's the original trolling and the anger it induces is what tells us that they're still children!

Hey, remember "it's only Metadata!"? Good times, good times.

The manliest of pastimes... the a cappella group.

You thought it was a random anime dude, but it was I, DIO !!

Excuse me while I go laugh my ass off for a few.........

And you get a Hyrule Warriors cameo, and YOU get a Hyrule Warriors cameo...

Come one come all! Step right up! Come witness the hate troll! Get your tickets here! His hideous words will make you cringe at the fact he's somehow a human being! The ridiculousness, the irony, the horror!

Honestly, this would make for the movie that Michael Bay was born to direct.

People demand new IPs from Nintendo. Then they get them and aren't happy... This isn't COD or BF so they complain about that. They say it looks too "kiddie" so they bitch and moan about that... Nintendo could literally give you a roundtrip to heaven & "gamers" would find a way to bitch about it.

I didnt get on for awhile and when I did I visited my Mii's GF's house only to discover...

Also Rusty's kid Rustrix/Ruster/Rustopotato wants to remind you that you've been playing pointless baseball minigames for like... 30 minutes now and you should probably give it a rest. You are tearing me apart Nintendo!

September has you beat.

I do not understand video games and I even feel angry because, at Nintendo's shareholders' meetings, the shareholders always discuss things relating to video games or such childish topics as "what the future of video games should be,"

I hope that Nintendo's shareholders' meeting will become an opportunity where the shareholders discuss the company's business operations from the viewpoints of capital gain and dividends.