
“People arent allowed to speak publicly about how someone hurt them because the person who hurt them might get hurt.”

Sports subreddits are nice places..

If you actually believe that Nazism had anything to do with Socialist pricinciples, you need to go back to the drawing board. You can call something anything you want, it doesn’t make it that thing. It’s like 1984 - the Ministry of Peace had nothing to do with peace. The Nazis were diametrically opposed to any sort

I found this movie extremely suspenseful and at moments shocking... but scary? Naw.

Agreed. It was boring as hell. The characters were so lifeless—son a druggie, the wife just shriek-crying, the father literally just....there. The supernatural stuff was poorly explored and there was no attempt to make it deeper than what it was. I can’t believe it’s being heralded as a smart film.

If this movie is what passes as “scary” these days then I’m glad my wife and I don’t get to go out to as many movies as we used to. I will give credit where credit is due, Hereditary was a slow suspenseful burn through the first and second acts but it all fell apart during the final act of the film. There were clues

You mean a new patrol space, new missions, new strikes, new raid and new gear aren’t enough? As well as a completely revamped mod and loadout system that all players are getting for free? That’s not enough for you?

then Destiny and other persistent online games simply arent for you

You think All Falls Down is about the good life?

You hurt my feelings.

He did claim that white people were the people who primarily enjoyed Ye.

OMFG. The part I quoted is a claim. Its not an anecdote. There is no mention of seeing white people listening to Ye in the article. He’s claiming that white people are the people who primarily enjoyed Ye. The title of the article and the crack about Jonah Hill also have the same theme. One can write an interesting

There is no proof that Kanye fans are now mostly white people. There is no proof that the racial composition of people buying Kanye’s albums has changed. If you have proof, I’m all ears.

I wish there was a way to peek into an alternate dimension where Kanye hadn’t gone on his most recent “MAGA/slavery was a choice” rants just to see how differently people would be judging the album.

Thank you. You get it. So many players want to hit the level cap within the first week of a new expansion, then complain about how the game is dead and there’s nothing to do and no reason to play. Now that there’s content that isn’t immediately doable right out of the gate, people are complaining that it’s too hard to

I have seen people complaining about this a lot, and my response is, wait until you and your friends hit the power cap, then see how hard it is. It is an end game activity, something that up until now has been missing. Is it really such a bad thing to have difficult things for higher skilled players to do, that may

Did that wizard come from the Moon, though?

Well excuuuuuuse meeeeeee! I stand corrected on that unwritten rule. I also think the ‘injured’ might not have been so injured and may have been attempting to exploit that. He only went down after he saw he was beat to the ball. I’ll still call this instance a smart play

All the people that ignored Gizmodo and became millionaires from crypto currency are laughing at you. Really, give it up! At what point do you stop calling it a bad investment?

As a serious response — Using blockchain for a loyalty program actually makes sense. Blockchain is a type of data encryption that depends on computational cycles to encrypt the transactional information being generated on a real-time basis. With a proper configuration spare compute cycles on a company’s network can be