
Exactly! How many of all the posters here are 30+. We are the demo any more! Deal with it. You people think Saving Private Ryan was the only WWII movie? There were hundreds before it, and I’m sure people said the same thing. “Ugh ANOTHER WWII movie?”

The target audience of this game wasn’t alive or old enough to see either SAVING or BAND OF BROTHERS.

Rumors of Han’s return. . . . ?

AHHHH....I see where we are saying different but the same me playing it safe is putting “scarlett Johansson” in a GITS or making DBE star a young white guy because “number say people want to see recognizable and/or white male leads...” You are saying they aren’t playing it safe because the changed the

Are we saying the same thing? I’m confused...they played it safe on both DRAGONBALL and GITS

That was clearly playing it safe...

Yeah, because police where awesome during the HILLTOP problems with them then...

or all the complaining will make them NOT go safe and take a chance and respect the audience.

Wait, so every side quest mission in WITCHER 3 is its own uniquely designed mission. I highly doubt that...

Man, I’ll never get how people critique games...never will, it’s so inconsistent. The writing in ME1 is stellar . . . for a video game. So if you think ME1 is stellar it’s okay if you think MEA isn’t up to standard, hell RETURN OF THE JEDI isn’t as good as EMPIRE but it’s till good. I don’t knock it because it’s

Can someone please point me to a game where the majority of the side-missions aren’t fetch quests?

Name one thing except TWO MAJOR PARTS OF THE GAME DESIGN...come on dude

Well, I thought WITCHER was boring as hell...and I can’t get enough of’s like saying why didn’t they just make a good’s all subjective man

You do not remember the other games properly. Rose colored glasses.

The hate on this is so ridiculous, there’s literally no reason to write about this mission, I barely gave it a second thought, but it did feel like I was trying to assume the role of a “pathfinder” and it made sense...I hate that I just got sucked into this clickbait of an article, but you guys are really going to

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can I say this in the most non-troll just wasn’t that funny. Compare it joke for joke to Jerrod Carmichael or Ali Wong...Amy has lost her relevancy. She’s like a female DANE COOK.

I’m not playing this game until all the DLC and extra stuff comes out...or you know, until the release the full game.

hahaha...Nice man...nice.

Someone when to SUNY ALBANY