
That’s exactly what happened, she never guessed private Tilda would make the emails public...good on Tilda, shame, shame, shame on MC

Why the fuck not? It’s not like you are being asked to sit a kitchen counter you aren’t allowed to or sitting on a bus.

But they weren’t cast as offsets, they were major parts of this move and

We will never get anywhere with race relations if this is the response to a non-American trying to educate herself on the particulars of our social issues.

They are not her only options, she could have been completely and openly honest to Tilda. Not cowtow to a more powerful, more talented, more widly respected person. The only person who made this public was MC, not Tilda. So MC could of had the balls to be honest, where it really counts, in private with someone who

I’m a minority, one that works in Hollywood, and Cho was tactless, unprofessional, and could have taken this moment to explain to Tilda (who’s not American btw, it’s important that we acknowledge that Tilda is not American, shouldn’t be expected to know our history, our culture, our ailes...) everything we been

It’s time for us (left-advocates) to stop letting comedians be our “voice”

HOT TAKE- I’d be more than happy to see Asian Americans boycott something, walk out into the street and protest...yet they tend to leave the truly ugly work of fighting for Vivian rights/exposure to other minority groups while slightly reaping the benefits.

She isn’t ONLY asking. She’s making a movie with a Korean filmmaker and a Korean American star, she’s doing nothing the work to push the agenda forward AND she’s fucking asking for personal help. I don’t understand why asking for personal help is a goddamn issues, get off your high fucking horse and do some work

Oh, if you only knew these “professionals” you wouldn’t ask them directions to cross the street. Publicists are great for publicity not knowing world issues, the same with agents, managers and who ever else you think these “professionals” are

Please dear god don’t leave it up to the internet, have genuine conversations with people, Jesus what the fuck is wrong with’s like saying, I want to learn French but I’m not going to talk to anyone who speaks it.

But TILDA is not an oppressor in the same way you are not the bastion of all things Mexican-American. Tilda can “educate” herself all she wants (I guess Reading is her only option) but she can’t ask someone a question?

Ahhhh, no.

I hope you never post on another NMS article again, I really do, I hope you never play too

cry me a river dude, cry me a river

I’m sorry you can’t enjoy things

I want to cuddle everything in that photo.

“cheap” as in, you are doing all these amazing “moves” yet it’s just the person camera moving up and down. Does that make sense?

I’m still surprised at how many people like this game. I thought the first person POV really made all the things you do feel ‘cheap.’ I’d love it in 3rd person.

I read “fast” as “fat” still works....