Wait, how do you get Dogmeat to wear the bandana? I’ve put a red bandana in his “inventory” (where does he store all that stuff???), but it never appears around his neck. Is that part of the mod? Is there other clothing he’ll wear?
Wait, how do you get Dogmeat to wear the bandana? I’ve put a red bandana in his “inventory” (where does he store all that stuff???), but it never appears around his neck. Is that part of the mod? Is there other clothing he’ll wear?
Yup, happened to me at that same spot, too, only the radroach ran away, out the door, and up the hill.
I’m really worried Bethesda did not take note of some of the gameplay improvements Obsidian made in New Vegas. That “move out of my way” companion command did not make it into Skyrim, for example, so that game was also plagued with followers standing in doorways.
There are a few cheats/trainers out there that have an “Alien awareness” toggle. I’m not sure if this mod lets you turn the Alien on/off during gameplay, but the trainers do, so you can play normally and then if, oh crap, the Alien pops out and starts running at you, hit that toggle and it’s like you just disappeared.…
Roosters ARE chickens.
Legally this has no bearing on whomever holds film/tv rights to the character. Marvel can’t just write an X-Men comic that reveals Wolverine is actually an alien and not a mutant and oh, hey, now Fox won’t own the movie rights to Wolverine anymore.
Or even Wasteland 2, which now has controller support in the Director’s Cut. Play the game using the controller in the keyboard & mouse mode, then play it in the controller mode, and compare how they work, feel, etc.
I would’ve liked to have seen this controller used on, say, Mass Effect 3. A game that doesn’t natively support controllers on PC, but of course does on the consoles. You can use a number of controller-mapping programs to use a controller in the PC version, but they’re really not the best in that game compared to…
I can’t wrap my noodle around how bad it was.
Mad Max is so good. Probably the fastest I’ve sunk 95 hours into a game. Now I just wish there was an option to make the convoys respawn. :(
Dog Simulator!
Also, for anyone on PC who wants the color palette of the game to look a bit more like Fury Road, there’s a mod here: http://madmaxmods.com/
Primarily it ups the saturation, so the blues and oranges are more vibrant. It overdoes it I think, but depending on the time of day within the game it’s quite effective.
If you look very closely at the beginning of Fury Road you can see Max’s outfit is much more kitted out than just the leather jacket (though you really only see him from the back, and only close-up from behind his shoulders, but it’s enough to make out that he has a lot of gear on.) He also has a beard and the head…
I was just exhibiting at a convention this past weekend, and Toby Fox (Undertale’s creator) periodically hung out at the table next to mine and kept talking secrets and spoilers for the game. I haven’t played it yet, so I had no context for the things I overheard, other than one possibly big spoiler he said no one…
I’m really enjoying it. It’s beautiful, it’s both tranquil and chaotic, and I’ve found the melee and car combat to be very satisfying. It is definitely repetitive, so it mostly depends on how much fun you get from doing the things there are to do over and over. I found it to be a cross between Far Cry 3, Sleeping Dogs,…
I don’t know how deliberate a nod to Braveheart the face paint is. One of the enemy groups cover themselves in blue and purple paint, so the facial option (plus the blue/purple car paint job you can unlock) ties in with that. Maybe someone at the developer made the connection, though, so maybe it is intentional.
Basically. You can unlock a number of facial options, and the blue/purple face paint is one of them.