That’s the second-biggest LEGO Monkey Island diorama I’ve ever seen!
That’s the second-biggest LEGO Monkey Island diorama I’ve ever seen!
Isn’t this where the Weasley family lives?
So many stickers.
The bacon will remember that.
Thanks, Kirk (and everyone.) I am definitely more of an Ultima VII fan (though I am actually in the middle of playing Baldur's Gate on iOS), so maybe I'll go with D:OS first when I have the chance.
How does this compare with the recent Divinity: Original Sin? I've been eyeing both of these games for when I have time to dive into one of them. They both seem excellent, but I can't really tackle both at the same time, so I'm wondering if someone can write up a pro/con comparison spreadsheet article.
Neal Adams or Arthur Adams?
Keep in mind, the inker contributes a lot to the art, especially when it comes to textures and crosshatching. I believe Dan Green inked Wolverine #49, not sure of that Jim Lee piece.
I was going to ask about John Romita Jr. as well, but personally I never liked his '80s X-Men stuff much, though he was drawing it during most of the time I was reading it. He's an excellent artist, only having gotten better in time, but I think it was a combination of things: I don't think Dan Green's inking style…
It's changed owners more than once, and is back in the hands of the original family.
James Cameron Stimulator.
I've played 2-4 as well. I never had any intention of playing Saints Row, but got the games as a Humble Bundle, and one day just started playing. I really enjoyed 2, so then I went on to 3, and I enjoyed how over the top it got. There are parts of both I like more than the other, but I had much more fun with them than…
Thanks. I haven't played Black Flag (only played some of the first on PS3, and a little of the 2nd on PC), though I do recall hearing about the problems with ACIII.
I was thinking about jumping into the AC world again with Rogue because it sounds a little slimmer and less bogged-down with lore. But yeah, probably going…
(NOTE: This review has been bumped up for the March 10 PC release of the game.)
Definitely camera trick. The photo is angled so that the minifig's hand lines up with the gun/joystick.
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