
Why can't Batman just be a good enough ninja that rarely would anyone actually get a hit in?

The physics in these games sure seems... busted.

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(can't get it to start at 48 seconds in, so skip ahead)

Even the sequels, Alone in the Dark 2 and 3, came out before the first Resident Evil.

Agreed. I was going to go more in depth in my post, but really I'm just not that invested in it. But I did begin thinking that they shouldn't have the GUI at all. Like, no reticule, no ammo counter, no health bar. Have some other way of informing the player what their status is other than icons and counters. Running

On the topic of them designing the game to be cinematic, and adding the letterboxing:

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Outrageous! I hope this scene makes it in:

Yeah, stuff like that makes more sense. In most QTEs, you either get it right, or you get it wrong. There are no levels of accuracy. Which is pretty crazy, because so many music games use a similar mechanic (press the correct button at the correct time), but if your timing is off, or you even press the wrong button,

I should clarify that in general I don't like QTE's, just that some types of them aren't as bad as others.

The majority of the game's non-shooting interactions are QTEs, most of which are strangely designed even by video-game QTE standards. I would've rather just watched the cutscenes play out without my input, and given how dull I found most of the cutscenes to be, that's a grim prospect.

Does the Wii version of Resident Evil 4 count?

This reminds me how Vlambeer's 'Nuclear Throne' was originally called 'Wasteland Kings'.

Can somebody remix this with that recent green screen video o f Jean Claude Van Damme?

"PenisvPenis, if you will."

I kind of agree. It would've made just as much sense to have invisible checkpoints. You make it to a room, the game autosaves, if you die before making it to the next part, you restart from when you entered the room.

That said, on a narrative level, it's kind of hard to create a save system that makes sense within the

It was full of Shat!

You kind of answer yourself in your last sentence: "The only company that should hold any rights is the company that created the damn character. The end."

"American Born Chinese author Gene Yuen Lang will be writing Superman..."

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Could've been worse. Could've had a shark on it, too.

I've found that I like the survival aspects of games that are more like penalties or bonuses, rather than meters that when reaching zero will kill you.

There are some Skyrim mods that are similar to this, and even the base game (while not a survival game) has examples of what I mean. Things like getting a full night's