Yes, precisely. There are occasions when the character you're talking to will take what your character said the wrong way, and that's fine. That happens in real life all the time. But I agree that as the player of that character, I should know when I'm selecting an option of dialog to say what the intent of my…
I do like that there are games that make it obvious that what you're choosing to say is good or bad (blue text means you're nice, red text means you're a jerk), but overall the ambiguity of how a character will respond to your dialog and actions is more interesting. It makes me care more about what's being said, so I…
It's funny how different the Commodore 64 and Amiga versions are. There are both side-scrolling shooters, and have the same ending, but in the C64 version the last boss is a lake monster that pops up after you outrun some lava. The Amiga version's last boss is literally the queen xenomorph from Aliens.
Is there a malaria mod for Skyrim?
This looks really cool, and I'm keeping my eye on it, but I'm just curious, what is there to do after, you know a couple days or so? Like, is there a chance for rescue? Is there another world to gain access to (Atlantis!) Just, I dunno, something to justify a reason to keep doing new things, other than just saying…
Also, does Sony have the film rights to Spider-Ham with the Spider-Man rights that they have? I want a Spider-Ham movie, dang it!
Let me know when there's a new Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham series.
During a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, senior vice president of publishing Tom Brevoort and editor-in-chief Alex Alonso talked about the company's upcoming Secret Wars event, describing it as something that will significantly alter Marvel's publishing offerings. Marvel's not calling it a reboot and the…
I didn't mind the malaria, I find the guns jamming far more frustrating. They just jam SO quickly and frequently.
The re-spawning checkpoints were also frustrating, but I imagine the world would feel very empty if they stayed clear forever. Still, there could have been a longer delay between when they re-spawn.
I think flight has a few drawbacks, if you don't have super strength (flying to go on vacation would be pointless if you can't also carry your luggage and a companion) and you're still susceptible to the elements: You'd get cold, wet, and possibly deprived of enough oxygen flying up amongst the clouds. Yeah, flying…
Eh, I wasn't expecting much innovation out of this. Sure it's a stand-alone and a little late to the party, but it seems like just an expansion similar to the others released for SRIV, and I enjoyed those for what they were. That should hold me over until the (hopefully in development) "Saints Row V: Saints in Time"…
I just gave Jedi Power Battles to my 9-year nephew and he loves it.
Hmm, that's unfortunate. For me, these are the perfect types of games to play on tablets. While I understand their goal of quality, I'd gladly take a scaled-back version (less animation, maps divided between loading screens, etc.) to play it on iPad. I've got FTL, Banner Saga, and these games on both PC and tablet and…
I have an iPad 3. The first game ran fine on it, but Dragonfall is a bit sluggish (and has the no pinch-zoom problem.) This could just be because Dragonfall is more demanding, or maybe not as optimized as the first game, but as far as the actual gameplay goes I haven't encountered anything that seems like it should be…
I'm excited for this. I played the previous Shadowrun Returns on iPad (while the save system was frustrating at the beginning and there was missing music, it was patched and was eventually fine) and am currently playing the iPad version of Dragonfall (even bigger improvement to the save system, though suffers some odd…
To clarify, the options have a color slider. You can play the game as suggested (black and white with just red for important bits), or slide it to being a desaturated/muted color scheme, or even have it be full color. Very cool feature that would be awesome to have in some other games.