
That said, the stunts in this are actually really good. The fight with the "heavy" at about the 10 minute mark is really well done.


That's some Twinkie.

They go up.

True, overall most of the missions are repetitive. It's sort of the nature of a game like this where there are fairly few tailored story missions that can have variety in them, and then lots of random missions based on a limited pool of mission types. It'd be tough to make it that every single random mission is unique.

(I can't tell if people will notice my name is John Green or not.)

That John Green is everywhere!

Have you tried State of Decay? It's still a rural setting, but it's open-world with small towns, farms, and residential houses to go in and scavenge for resources. And PLENTY of zombies. I wouldn't say it's survival horror, but it does require going out to look for food and supplies on a regular basis.

More like NightZ, amirite?

I thought it said "Baby finds misspelled items..."

Hmm, okay. The first half of the video, during daylight, really does just feel like Dead Island. You could already avoid zombies by sticking to rooftops and keeping out of reach in the slums portion, more or less, so this seems just like that but with more platforming. That's fine and cool on its own, but doesn't

Successfully defended under fair-use doesn't always mean the defense will cost the defendant nothing, though. You can still get sued and have the court decide in your favor, but also end up with not getting your lawyer fees covered.

If their content was somewhere else other than YouTube, it wouldn't be subject to YouTube's ContentID system.

You can't say you're using YouTube for your content because it prevents you from getting sued, and at the same time complain that YouTube is preventing you from making money because they won't let you post content that would get you sued.

They could all get together, pool their resources, start their own video hosting site(s), and make their own policies about content, ad revenue, etc.

Ah, yes, I did see this one awhile back and I think I remember there was another.

Dark trailer is dark.

Don't touch it! It's evil!