Now playing

Also, the act of pouring all of that coke will remove a lot of the fizz in the first place. And there's a lot of kicking going on in that tub.

"The Clippers forfeited their game today, as each player was issued double technicals for kicking the ball as hard as they could into the stands whenever they received it."

Today we are all Clippers. Except that one guy.

The NBA can't fine them for this...the NBA can fine them for wearing something unauthorized during the game. (Not that the association definitely would, but this is the wiser option.)

Nobody will see it... then how did you? Give it time and save your outrage for Sterling, not the acts of protests from innocent players.

There's this new thing called the internet

Of course he is not a racist. He is Jewish. Jewish people are never racist. If a Jewish person does say something racist, then because Jewish people are never ever racist or bigoted or mean ever, then what was said is simply Not Racist.

Dude already got pranked hard by his barber...

Or I saved the best for last.

Don't make it weird.

oh tina amini, be still my beating heart<3

Giant Bomb's panel spoiled me. If this doesn't end in Evan smashing a fake bottle over Stephen's head, followed by Fahey running out in a luchador mask, I'll be hugely disappointed. :(

hot to the guy who feels bad for using the word "hot."

There's the article.

so the total number of black spectators just went from 1 to 0?