
When you say “reboot”, is this series ignoring the revival? Or is it just another series?

Maybe the fictional fish man isn’t gay, though? Or whatever the Hylian equivalent of gay might be.

I’m not terribly familiar with how GamePass works but do they pay people based on how many people download and play? So does that mean Season underperformed there as well?

I thought the whole point of taking the EGS money is that it is supposed to prevent exactly these types of situations, that it basically guarantees success because you get a big bonus upfront. Like I think Remedy has said they released Control as an EGS exclusive because it was either that or shut the studio down, and

I was actually just thinking about this game the other day, but instead of “Season” I called it “That bicycle game about the world ending”. Could the name have hindered its chances at success? Maybe. Or it’s just a niche-y art game. I wish it did better.

IIRC he spent a lot of the pandemic in New Zealand, and said he loves the place. Of course, I don’t think the Steam Deck is yet available there, so he must not love it that much.

I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop and GabeN to be revealed to be yet another billionaire weirdo, because so far it’s just “I like knives and video games and New Zealand and submarines that won’t kill me” which all seems pretty normal.

Now playing

Drew has looked great for years, though. I think he had some medical procedures to help lose the weight but he’s also just more comfortable in the role.

There’s a Youtube video (that I think might be from John Teti, formerly of AVClub/Gameological) about how Drew being shoehorned into the Bob Barker role early on did him no favors and was very awkward and did not play to his strengths at all, and that it wasn’t until they revamped TPIR into “Drew’s show” instead of

So they’ve fallen into the Valve trap of “If it’s not revolutionary, don’t bother”, and that’s quite sad.

I haven’t followed Giant Bomb since they fired Jeff Gerstmann, but how good are these new guys’ bullshit detectors? Because I feel like this is a whopping lie to make promises about, when they’ve said in the past that these types of open world games are inherently buggy and broken. Gerstmann would have, and has in the

Maybe it was a “you had to be there” type of thing but using the Wii in that way seems very unfun. It sounds like Metroid Other M.

Nah, he’s nowhere near as grimdark as Warrior Within during Forgotten Sands, which makes sense considering the plot (IIRC he’s visiting a previously unmentioned brother, and considering a brother is never mentioned ever again in the series, you can sorta tell where the story goes). It actually works as a sort of

Yeah, once I saw air dashes and stuff, it’s very much a different kind of thing. Something I still want to play, but different than what POP has been in the past.

Forgotten Sands is actually kinda underrated. Everyone assumed it was a movie tie in because of when it came out, and also how it jams into the timeline to fit in between Sands of Time and Warrior Within, but as a puzzle platformer it’s pretty good, and the ending set piece is fun.

“Respawn is developing a sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order”

As somebody who never played P3, I just wanted to know which version to play. Sounds like it’s not this one.

I misspoke and meant exactly what you did, which is that Dogma is probably the last good movie he made. I like Strike Back a lot but yeah, I wouldn’t really consider it “good”.

Even though he was mostly comic relief, so I’m not sure the movie can really pull it off, the show still managed to give him some real dramatic gravitas when the situation called for it (which is a testament to how good the show was, for a kids show anyway)

I have seen exactly 1 Michael Bay Transformers movie in my life. It sucked and the bits I’ve seen of the others were also bad.