
Yeah that’s not how numbers work...

The shorter, fatter, balder males of the species attack the outsider because of his colorful plumage...

a group of eight brothers

Some people’s racist grandpa’s look to her for guidance.

More like Krappo Kahkah

“High Achieving” and “Florida State” shouldn’t be in the same sentence unless you’re:

I mean, these are Sarah Palin’s friends and neighbors, and this girl is a POC...

Did you watch the fucking thing? They get into that in the first 10 minutes. Most of the crew was with him for decades and they loved him, and it was most apparent when they were asked for anecdotes about him being a flawed human.

I watched it on a plane after 2 drinks and quietly bawled several times.

I mean, I hope this movie is good, but there is ZERO chance it’s as good as the doc Won’t You Be My Neighbor which got fucking ROBBED at the Oscars.

Right? Nice fucking hat, numbnuts. Whiting that logo is like hiding a pile of fresh shit. You might not see it right away, but sooner or later someone will smell it...

And even that was for “science

Pats wins make us laugh/be happy why, exactly?

Hell, those are the kind of opinions circulated by “woke” whitefolk, these days

And remember, nice people don’t ask for free drinks.

You’re a fucking idiot.

Trubisky was still 3 plays away from winning the game if a WR could get a second foot down, or if that 50 had completion wasn't called back for a very sketchy offensive pass interference call. 

I hate you for making me feel old. 

Happy Fun League

Awesome, we can finally drill down on the whole “Bruce Lee was arrogant asshole that talked a lot of shit” thing and Rick and can win the Tet Offensive, stop the MLK and RFK assassinations, land on the moon...