
Who. The fuck. Cares.

Lol maybe you shouldn't have sex if you can't afford an abortion or anything after it. Totally mind blowing...

And there are books detailing emotion as a powerful mask not allowing you to see the whole picture. What's your point? And isn't your last statement kind of oxymoron-ish? Why is her perception of our "limited human perception" any more right that anyone else? Especially if our perception is so limited? How do we put

Personally, I wholeheartedly agree with you on Zimmerman's motives to lie. Without a doubt, I think he's hiding parts of the story. But I think Jeantel has just as much of a motive to lie the other way. Her friend was killed. I'm sure there are some feelings and emotion driving her testimony as well.

Why is Jeantel's testimony held in a higher regard over Zimmerman's?

You show zero emotion in your statement and a clear understanding of the facts. Internet gold star for you!

First off, read the law, take your emotions out of it, and you will see she is correct. There is no evidence, and I will repeat, NO EVIDENCE that pointed to cold blooded murder. None. What so ever. And according to Florida state law, he was within his rights. And there was nothing, I will repeat again, NOTHING that

I think ColdCruiser put it best...

Because Zeta is very heavy. Even after the weight lose program they put it on, it's still hefty. Plus, if I'm remembering correctly, they still only make that platform is Australia. It's expensive to import that.

Sigma is dead my friend. The ATS and CTS ride on different variations of the "Alpha" platform. The new flagship will ride on a modified/stretched version of the "Alpha" platform called "Omega."

Seriously though, women have a smaller brain. It's science.

And the fact that if you get the stuff with fruit... it has almost as much sugar as a can of soda. Yet someone put John Stamos in the ad and women get wet for the stuff (not that I blame you...) but still. IT"S NOT A HEALTH FOOD!!!

Lol that's hysterical. I can joke about this but you can't joke about that. Imaginary lines humans like to draw. It's still a worthless thing to say making her/him no better than the other.

And you instantly became no better than them...

Jesus you people need a life... no really. Who cares? I actually find it entertaining there are this many people expending the energy to cry about this.

Why is this such a big surprise? I'm a conservative, and usually vote Republican, and am all for marriage equality.

My girlfriend was like this. I don't quite understand it. If you use credit properly, it's great and like you said, you can reap some pretty nice rewards. People are afraid they have no self control. I finally got my girlfriend to get a credit card to start charging gas and groceries... start building some credit so

Most annoying posts...

It's a retarded bird. I'm not bending my life, spending extra money, to save some stupid animal. Now, if it was a doodoo nest or something of significance, sure... but there are millions of doves. The world will survive with 2 less doves.

Isn't that a two way street?