You missed a big opportunity calling the ‘MSM’ the Lame Stream Media, big smart man.
You missed a big opportunity calling the ‘MSM’ the Lame Stream Media, big smart man.
I still have some tokens for the TILT arcade that used to be in the local mall. Maybe I can use them at the (checks notes) ... American Eagle that’s there now.
Do you think somebody who spent $100,000 on a car in this game feels like they’ve “retained their value” because they got a generic replacement car in a different game?
Its worse because the dlc cost $100,000 was touted as an investment and doesn’t exist anymore.
Not much of an investment if your return is a random trash car in a game you didn't ask for
“I bought a link! It points to my family photographs!”
“Congratulations! I have just changed the link to send you to my extensive gallery of penis injuries.”
“No refunds. Blockchain!” :jazz hands:
I am capable of being mad about more than one thing at a time. Being upset at one thing doesn’t mean I’m okay with others, or that they are less/more important. We’re allowed to be annoyed and talk about the “trivial” things that go on in our lives.
Are you aware that this is a gaming blog?
Sir, this is a videogame website.
I mean this is a game website, the articles are naturally going to be about games and some of those articles will cover issues with games.
the very stupid/ignorant.
The cowards are using children as human shields, and you’re defending them. Fuck you.
That’s becasue you haven’t. Seen a peaceful protest, that is.
“Pat King, an organizer who attempted to flee the city...”
Good. Long overdue. I hope something other than their feelings gets hurt.
When protest turn violent and the protestors are calling for the overthrow of the government, it is no longer a protest. It is an insurrection and should be addressed as such.
OK. It’s time for this shit to stop.
It’s all Calvinball, all the time with them.
Kudos to NASCAR for giving it a try but damn, that was dull as dirt.