
the ambulance/fire/emergency vehicle cannot get through a blockade, everyone in that blockade should be charged with manslaughter or similar. They are the ones not moving for another human to be saved. You caused the issue, it’s your problem now. enjoy lockup. A life could have been saved if you weren’t there. Same

The Department of Homeland security defines terrorism as using violence and intimidation or the threat of violence and intimidation to achieve a political or social end. These fuckers are terrorists. Fuck terrorists.

Future generations are going to think we’re so dumb. It’s like when we read about people during the bubonic plague who thought it was caused by “bad smells” and not the trash, feces, and rats cluttering the streets or how people started saying “God bless you” when others sneezed because they thought a sneeze allowed

xQc? He has one of the most toxic communities in the game. And given that it’s GTA, that’s saying something.

Like, it’s really hard to have any sympathy here....

I would argue that GTA RP isn’t the problem, it’s the way xQc does RP that’s the issue. People don’t enjoy the log in > rob stuff for entire stream > get caught > spend an hour arguing with police and then log off routine every day.

Yeah, this article clearly doesn’t understand the situation. I’m not saying the GTARP community is civil, far from it. But to make this article about the community harassing him when he and his community is the single largest source of toxicity both in game and out, is laughable. Once he passes the 8 hour mark or so

When the social aspect of streaming created unhealthy “bonds” between the creator and viewer. Couple that with an audience, especially with xQc’s demographic, that skews toward immaturity and you get things of this nature.

Come on now, the only people that say “Joisy” are from Staten Island & Brooklyn.  You will never hear that from a NJ native.

The first time I drove the Turnpike I had this realization: They let you into New Jersey for free, but they make you pay to get out. ;)

Did you know gas is cheaper in NJ?

... and if you’re in a line of 36 pay-it-forwards, nobody except the last guy is getting anything for free. You’re just paying for a different order than your own. That’s not charity. But then I don’t understand the whole Starbucks culture. Sure, I’ll drink their mocha once in awhile, but no over-roasted, overpriced an

Former Bux partner here: I killed Pay-it-Forward chains whenever they’d happen. The reason being is because, like most drive-thru businesses, we had a “bump screen” or a screen to keep the orders organized. When a Pay-it-Forward chain would happen, that would be the god-send to keep the orders in order. HOWEVER, the

I agree that it’d be better to tip the person behind the counter and I love doing that. I also cannot fault the guy for asking how much the person behind him was gonna cost - getting $6 free for coffee is one thing but then having to pay $46 without warning would suck if your budget cannot handle that.

THANK YOU.  Forced generosity or charity is neither.  Also, sorry, not sorry, I don’t want to be the guy who has the cheap and easy order having to pay for the family of 6 behind me - I don’t have to justify my reasons, but sometimes people just can’t afford it.

The pay it forward thing has always been the dumbest thing imaginable. It’s performative charity for people who don’t need it. Want to feel good? Donate time or money to an actual cause. Or, as this article wisely suggests, tip the workers.

This isn’t viable anymore for consoles. At the tail end of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360's life, lots of games started requiring constant connections to a verification server. These servers get shut down all the time. Sometimes it’s as little as a year after release, but most of them never last past five years. A

Issue is when the servers shut down and you are missing fixes for game breaking bugs as an example.

Cosmo Kramer.

Remember that time Kevin Ward Jr was super duper high and got out of his wrecked car on a hot track so he could walk toward a fast moving vehicle so he could... argue? then got hit and died?

No one is stopping you people from being shit human beings, but we have the free speech right to tell you that you are shit human beings.