Technical note: The seismology technical term for this wall created by the earthquake is fault scarp or just scarp. This one looks to be 1-3 meters (3-10ft) in height. The scarp usually traces the actual line of the fault at the surface. The fault plain may slope away from this line underground. USGS information

With the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami the displacement was up to 10 meters to the west and southwest and several meters of vertical displacement of the ocean floor. The total length of the rupture parallel to the Sunda Trench has been estimated to be 1000-1300km long. This rupture took as long as 4 minutes to

Another thing to add. The injection well does not have to be located on top of a pre-existing fault. One study has shown that deep fluid injection wells can induce earthquakes as far as 15km from the well. The fluids can migrate through either fractures in the rock, porus rock as well as directly when a well bore

The Richter Scale technically only applies to the ML (Local magnitude) devised by Richter for California. However, all the other magnitude computations relate back to, or try to relate back to the Richter Scale. The USGS uses various formulas to compute the magnitude of an earthquake depending on its size or

I would of course use an Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator . That would surely do it. This guy would know for certain though:

It all depends on the magnitude of the earthquake. Those earthquake in the magnitude 9.0+ range are significantly stronger than any of the other events you listed. The 2004 9.1 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami generated a total energy in the nrighborhood of 4.0x10^^29 ergs of energy (4.0x10^^22 Joules)http://neic.

I should have also in a seismically actinve are people always need to be prepared for the proverbial "big one" It's just part of living in California....much like living with hurricanse is part of living in Florida.

With another Northridge sized earthquake I would expect a similar amount of damage. But, it all really depends on how close to population an earthquake of this size occurs. If something of this nature happens in the southeast section of the LA basin north of the Salton Sea the effects will be less. on the other

There are several regions in the US that have been studied recent years where induced earthquakes have occurred and are believed to be related to nearby injection wells. These injection wells are not actual fracking. These injection wells that have been attributed to inducing seismicity are related to fracking only

Probably not a new fault but an old one that is seeing an active period or has been reactivated. When geologic time scales meet human time scales surprise can often result.

The two main "flavors" of earthquake waves are P waves and S waves. P waves arrive first followed by the S waves. The most important aspects of P waves is that they travel very well through the body of the Earth while S waves travel well along the surface of the Earth. They both can be detected at the surface but

Not really close at all to predicting earthquakes. I believe that it can be scientifically done but that predicting earthquakes for one specific area will not apply well to predicting them in another area. There are so many variables to consider when trying to determine the exact time a particular fault will fail.

The Hudson bay region is the know region in North America for isostatic rebound from the Ice Age. There have been numerous earthquakes in this region attributed to this over the years. Earthquakes in the upper 5 to low 6.0 magnitude have been attributed to this. The New Madrid Seismic Zone in the cenrtal part of

Thanks for inviting me! Please Forgive my spelling and typing as I excel at neither. ;'D

Around 1900 is when earthquakes began to be instrumentally located. Before this time we mostly have historical accounts to go by...and these mostly account earthquakes that directly affected humans. Earthquakes that happened in unpopulated regions were not known or felt. Since about 1900 there have been, on

Marsquakes and Moonquakes have both been directly detected by landers and very small in comparison to many earthquakes. However, in the distant past when the bodies were geologically younger, and therefore suspected to be more active. it is surmised that their quakes were larger. Other solar system bodies would most

When unconsolidated or non-solid soils are violently shaken they are no longer able to support the mass of a building or other dense object and that mass will sink. You will not see liquifaction on solid rock or a granite outcrop. Lake beds or areas with large amounts of fill dirt are nortorious for liquifaction.

Test Again...Sorry.
