
The new Jaguar XE is actually pretty damn nice, especially if you want something different.

1) I would have said the same about four VW microbus concepts ago.

Nah, the market can do better, Smoot-Hawley.

If we look up at the roof of this building there’s a lot of steel structure up there that’d [prohibit] some of the signals

I agree, TG could really shine if they can just shake off the old format and make it their own. Jezza, Hamster, and May didn’t try to copy an earlier show, they created TG from a mostly blank slate. Right now, it kind of feels like Van Hagar.

I was expecting, even without any reason behind it, to be closer to the TG US style of show. Since they will travel the world, they could do a lot of thematic challenges and loads of stuff, but it was TG. Don’t get me wrong, I love TG, even when everyone said it was too produced, and nothing looked genuine I still

I don’t remember who said it, but in the liveblog someone said that TG felt fresher than GT and I felt the same too. The only problem was Evans trying to be a super cool guy and all, but everyone else is always pretty good at their jobs. They can make TG much better and give us another good car show instead of the

Don’t be quick to make assumptions about the GT. We’ve only seen one episode!


I thought so, too. Just some ungrateful fucks ruining the damn thing.

Top Gear’s best parts had become everything but the car reviews. The adventures and challenges were great, but the reviews were, as you said, getting stale. I haven’t watched tGT yet, but my impression was the direction they were going was more towards that stuff?

To quote my comment in the video link:

Jalop, the word is jalop.

How much is Toyota paying you?


You're right, the Celica has one thing that makes it not quite a muscle car. It can turn. LOL


Perhaps not the finest, but a great bachelor's sports mobile: The Infiniti G37S 6MT. Luxurious, sporty, practical, reliable, and fairly cheap even. Faster and better equipped than a V6 Mustang/FRS/etc, and you can pick up a nice $17k example that still looks like a brand new one. Add a mild exhaust and you have women,

Zee color temperature of zee lights must be precisely 5100 degeres Kelvin. Zee table clothz must be of zee finest white linen. Zee edges must be square. Vee must play music; zis music must be hip unt cool. Zee hipness to cool ratio must be between 1.7:1. Also, zee Tvitter is imperative. Vee must recieve at least 32