
How many of those films in the top 100 are groundbreaking?

Excellent show. Knowing it was made by the same folks who made Dark, I kinda saw the ending coming. Although not THAT exact ending.

How about Raiders of the Lost Ark? It’s one of the greatest movies ever made.

Not the Paul Crewe! Say it ain’t so Sally.

Rest in peace.

I forgot about David Lean, that’s also stunning to me. Same goes for Polanski. Another surprising thing is Godfather Part 2, which everyone says is better than The Godfather, didn’t make the list.

My take aways

JG: “Man I got 11 years.”

Rest in peace.

No grappling hooks! What’s the point!

Didn’t think so.

Jesus I didn’t even know this was a thing.

Lost Boys.

Is Purple Rain a musical?

They hit a home run when they cast Tony Todd.

Great singer. Rest in peace.

At least let the turkey’s corpse get cold first.

I think that the humor in Love and Thunder is just way over the top. In Ragnarok it’s a little bit more restrained.

For me I’m rooting for either Angela Basset or Jamie Lee Curtis.