These cars sound like they’d be perfect for big cities like New York, that has the same problem described above, too many cars, not enough parking.
These cars sound like they’d be perfect for big cities like New York, that has the same problem described above, too many cars, not enough parking.
Has any major award show gone genderless yet?
Or politics.
Rest in peace.
I was thinking the same thing. The two of them were two peas in pod.
Man if only someone was filming this so we can truly know what happened.
I’ll have to add these to my list.
So we have Red Hulk, She-Hulk and Doofus Hipster Hulk. Where’s our “Hulks,” movie already?
You don’t understand my line of thinking, let me explain it for you.
Meanwhile Clooney will be on Colbert explaining, like Sarandon, how little power and influence he has.
Next year when Trump is President and the Supreme Court strikes down gay marriage, “...but he had a bad debate...”
Absolutely loved The Blackcoat’s Daughter. They should let Perkins direct an Exorcist sequel.
This country is so fucked.
Okay Kripke, we get it. You’re cooler than Marvel, grittier than DC and more shocking than American Horror Story. You’re going to show us all the shit, cum, breast milk, and butt holes that we can stand. High fives all around. Power to the people. Maybe we can focus more on the story and less on the butt holes?
Who’s the voice?
This is sad news.