I don’t know about Katrina. I think that’s still “normal.” The others, yeah I can see it. I feel sorry for most Karens out there.
I don’t know about Katrina. I think that’s still “normal.” The others, yeah I can see it. I feel sorry for most Karens out there.
That header pic pretty much sums it up.
As Rodney would say, now I know why tigers eat their young.
Yeah talking about abortion, that’s what did Boris in...
Rest in peace.
He was so good in Goodfellas. He was able to convey so much menace without saying a word. Rest in peace.
I can see #1, because people tend to forget about all of these memberships, but #2 I don’t understand the logic, unless either your assuming people are paying a set amount regardless of the amount of the bill, or companies are charging more than their supposed to. If your bill for this month is $xxx, then you pay…
Damn woke leaders. Always ruining our expensive coffee drinking habits.
They’re similar but so are the kajillion slasher flicks out there, and found footage flicks, and demonic possession flicks, and superhero flicks. It doesn’t stop directors from directing those movies.
All these are great ideas providing that the app you’re using is compatible with whatever older version of IOS or Android those older phones and tablets have installed.
You should see the interview of Stellan Skarsgard on youtube, he was asked about Scorsese’s comments and he gives a good answer about the whole thing.
Worried about it, I’m hoping for it. With any luck it’ll land on top of either Moscow Mitch’s house or Ted Cruz’s.
There’s those good christian folks for you. Hey it’s what jesus would do.
Scream Queen Krige is in it so it’s bound to be good.
Looks good.
When you do, have your kleenex ready.
The Nega bands are what the original Mar-vell wore. They gave him all sorts of additional powers, like “cosmic awareness.”
Lalo’s death seemed anti-climatic to me. This is why I hate it when seasons are split like this. And I understand there were reasons why they did it, but Lalo’s death probably would have been more impactful if it had happened a week after the episode after Howard’s death instead of the month or so we had to wait.…