
Whoever that woman is, she’s got guts. That is one of the bravest things I’ve ever seen.

“local legends surrounding selfies and other magical creatures”

Does Alec Baldwin think he bears absolutely no responsibility for the American Rust accident?

I know tomatoes can be grown in a bucket and you can buy kits in certain places like Gardener’s Supply, but I don’t know about the others.

How many of these can you grow in a bucket?

I was happy for Lee Jung-Jae and Jung Ho-Yeon, loved Squid Game and I kept thinking they had no chance against the Succession cast, when they won I yelled out Holy Shit!

Yeah with the way climate change is going, no place will be safe soon.

I live in the Pacific NW.

I’m sure the NRA will issue a statement supporting her right to own a gun.


I gotta get me a butter bell.

Damn. Rest in peace.

Tramples on States rights. On. States. Rights.

I didn’t say that. My point is that given the chance all of these people complaining about disney/marvel would do the same thing. If Coppola could make a hundred Godfathers and they were all successful box office hits, he wouldn’t be complaining about how they’re destroying cinema as we know it.

but I do have an issue with Disney taking over the large and small screen.”

That is freaky deaky.

Holy shit.

Triangle and Timecrimes would make a great double feature.