
There’s a game called “Secret Hitler?” Holy shit.

Why do I get the feeling Wright is going to co star with Gina Carano in some future project.

Joe Rogan?

Just tell me when we get this so I can give you my money:

So basically, another movie about British royalty, yawn.

A huge loss. Rest in peace.

Man I forgot Holland Taylor was on that show. It was a good show.

Damn, why’d you have to show me this.

Damn, why’d you have to show me this.

Hell is too good for both him and Sinema.

Is trick or treating back on this year? Last year it was pretty much cancelled in my neighborhood.

So I guess smarties and dum dums are out of the question.


I think people need to remember that the source material was very military friendly to begin with.

Next round if will separate the slashers from the final girls.

Le sigh.

Mayo - kewpie

Ellen Burstyn’s story in Requiem is definitely a horror story.

Just remember when SCOTUS ruled in favor of Bush during the 2000 election they basically said, “this ruling only applies this once and can’t be used in the future.”