Plus none of those things *actually make him gay*. Oh look you conform to a load of stereotypes of gay people, you must be gay.
Plus none of those things *actually make him gay*. Oh look you conform to a load of stereotypes of gay people, you must be gay.
I’m Asexual and have the same advantage - I mean I do have to deal with people asking why I’m single but these days being single by choice isn’t such a strange thing so I don’t then need to explain my sexuality to justify it.
Well, it is kind of rude to exclude someone deliberately but that said if you’re *engaged* to someone and haven’t bothered to try and learn their language you probably deserve to be excluded. And it also depends how fluent the person she’s speaking to is in English. Maybe by sticking to English she’d be excluding…
I can’t see how he could argue it wasn’t an incitement to violence without arguing that he is immensely thick. I mean is he saying he believed that people would react to that by walking up to the protesters and saying oh I say old chap we’re having a rally here, would you mind awfully leaving? and the protesters would…
Plus given their skills they’re probably highly paid and thus contributing a heck of a lot in taxes.
Especially when those ground rules seem to be based in a sexist belief that women don’t exist in the work place.
She’s beautiful.
Given that she has posted videos of her in underwear, slapping her ass and making sexually suggestive comments I worry about the poor kid. I mean sure she’s an asshole, but she’s a 13 year old asshole who needs protecting from the amount of attention she’s getting - none of which is what I would call ‘positive’ even…
I think you’re right grammatically. The way they put it certainly sounds wrong.
Small children constantly lose *everything*
Your last paragraph sums up my thoughts on this - we’re talking about *children* here. As long as the clothes are clean, don’t have offensive slogans/images, and are practical (ie not bikinis or barefoot or something) that should be the limit of policing for children. I have no issue with them having a dress code as a…
Yeah even Sting complains about that lol.
On Top Gear he said that was because his CO wouldn’t let him keep the guitar inside and strap his soldiers to the outside...
He’s pretty much responsible for WWIII not starting too! When NATO and Russian troops were going into Yugoslavia as it disintegrated around everyone the Russians got to the airport first. The American commander demanded Blunt’s unit go and seize it from them. Blunt refused to do it unless the senior British officer…
Plus if he *offered* to make a deal they’d be in a really awkward position if they turned him down, because if they later came back to him and said uh actually we’ve changed our mind he’d know it was because no one else was willing to deal, in which case they probably don’t have enough evidence to do anything and he…
Could be worse. A woman in the UK recently reported someone for stalking her. The police found out she used to be in a relationship with him and immediately warned and fined her for wasting police time.
Well, his son’s response was to bait London Mayor in the middle of the ongoing incident by misquoting something he said seven months ago (without giving a date and thus making it appear it was Khan’s response to the incident).
Because it’s far more expensive than life imprisonment. Because it doesn’t act as a deterrent and as such I see no justification for allowing the government to commit murder. Because no justice system is perfect and it’s bad enough that we end up locking people up who later turn out to be innocent but killing them…
Dog toys that don’t have stuffing in them would be great. Because puppies love to chew and it’s great to give them toys they can shred, but experience tells me a three inch stuffed toy can somehow produce enough stuffing to make your living room look like a blizzard hit it. And that the label ‘indestructible’ on a dog…
I would wonder why they bothered.