
I don’t think being vehemently anti-abortion is necessarily contradictory to saying you believe it shouldn’t be something regulated by government. I mean yes if you’re going as far as to consider it baby killing it’s a bit of a swerve because clearly ‘killing’ is something that should be considered illegal but I guess

Do not be dissing Tomb Raider! The sequel is more on the bad side of hilariously bad but still watchable but Tomb Raider is ridiculously good fun and also has naked Daniel Craig (which OK most of DC’s films have naked DC but still a good thing).

God it’s good you weren’t sitting next to me. I’d have been having the same kind of anxiety meltdown and we’d never have sorted out who was going to get the damn box.

He doesn’t lack a decent tailor; he lacks the basic ability to admit anyone might know more about any subject than he does. He could have the most talented tailor on the planet and he’d still look dreadful because he’d ignore all the tailor’s recommendations and insist things are done his way.

Also whenever you hear one of those news stories about a dog that has run off the top of a cliff or got suck in a tyre or down a rabbit hole you can bet good money the words Jack Russell Terrier are going to appear in the story somewhere.

Especially Postpartum Depression. Because either you’re ecstatic about your new bundle of joy or you need to be watched like a hawk in case you murder them seems to be the opinion amongst a lot of people.

Especially Postpartum Depression. Because either you’re ecstatic about your new bundle of joy or you need to be watched like a hawk in case you murder them seems to be the opinion amongst a lot of people.

The giant ones that used to exist were hunted for their meat but also their shells were used as shelters! They were the size of cars and called glyptodonts. And I have a cuddly glyptodont on my couch with me right now because my best friend rocks at birthday presents. OK technically I chose it, but she let me lose in

Even if he was a ‘massage therapist’ instead of an actual massage therapist you’d stil go with that. I mean at least of you’re a ‘masseur’ you’re the only one whose being screwed for your money, as opposed to getting paid so all of us can be.

Still there’s something to be said for someone actually doing the job he is paid for *and* making sure his constituents know his opinions on each issue, even if they are wrong. The voting record of some Representatives/Senators (or MPs in my country) is appalling.

Would be quite amused to see any of the neo-Nazi supporters in a role in Germany or anywhere else with rules about Holocaust denial/glorifying the Nazis/giving a nazi salute, just to see how long they managed to last without breaking one of them. Pity they’d all have diplomatic immunity though.

Ahahaha ‘follow their recommendations’. Just thinking that phrase in connection with Trump is hilarious. We all know there isn’t an expert in the world Trump doesn’t know more than. Why do you think with all his money he can’t look halfway decent in a suit?

Nothing major has ever been accomplished *without* civil disobedience. I get irritated with civil disobedience protests that target random things because I feel it pisses off people who were neutral and who are just trying to get on with daily life and that the negatives outweigh the positives, but targeted civil

COLOURING BOOK??? Where did you get that?????

For the FIRST time?? What is wrong with you? But yay for correcting the oversight and realising what you’ve been missing.

Anyone who can’t tell the difference between fantasy and beating someone unconscious and hospitalising them needs to be locked up for life for everyone else’s safety. Not being able to distinguish between fantasy and reality isn’t a defense, it’s a plea of mental insanity that should have you committed for public

I thought this was just going to be him making a point in a hugely clumsy way about Africans being brought over here and eventually they were liberated and they worked hard and were part of the reason America is ‘great’. But all that bullshit about the hopes and dreams they had for their children shows I was giving

I know it’s only somewhat relevant but I feel someone needs to point out here that if someone is ‘impaled’ by something you should not remove it if at all possible unless you are some kind of medical professional. Depending what blood vessels have been stabbed by the foreign object it could be the only thing stopping

It was up to 50% at some of these homes.

Yes. She’s saying I was totally there driving around with a flag (because she can’t deny that bit) but I didn’t threaten anybody, I didn’t use any racial slurs, and I totally disapprove of that behaviour - behaviour which even if she hadn’t done it, which the jury believe she did, she absolutely stood by and watched