
Maybe people wouldn’t ‘lose respect’ for the police if they did their damn jobs. When even the prosecution is basically throwing their hands up and saying WTF guys do your job, you know the locals suck.

Once you’re an established author it’s probably not so bad. I mean if your google history does ever get raised by law enforcement you can point to your back catalogue of published books. Before that point yeah not good. I seem to remember one now famous Scottish author (I want to say Ian Rankin but I may be

i was pointing out why the person I was replying to was wrong that ciswomen would all be replaced by trans women in sport. They said that trans women would have radically higher testosterone and thus a biological advantage that would push ciswomen out. The rules quoted in the article say to compete as a woman a trans

Except the ‘biological’ advantage is mostly down to testosterone and to compete against people born biological women a MTF athlete needs to be taking testosterone suppressing medication, thus negating the biological advantage.

I’d give you an extra star for your username if I could.

I’d drop Miller’s first name if I were you, it fits the tune better that way.

Was just checking the comments to see if anyone had pointed that out. He didn’t just blow it off because his ego couldn’t take it like SCROTUS, he was recovering from nearly dying.

If he committed suicide I would say that mentally at any rate it’s unlikely your hope will be accurate, unfortunately. Poor guy.

Seems like an odd time to be indulging that right before he was due to perform though.

And then they want to defend it as just white people being oversensitive. And while his comment may have been ‘unnecessary’ saying oh but that decision was made for you is bullshit. The crime was about the race of the victims; his reaction wasn’t. No one decided how or why he should react for him and focusing on the

How about we headline articles like this with a picture of the hero who tried to intervene or the victims and not the racist asshole who shot them? Let’s not give this scumbag his five minutes of fame.

I don’t feel sorry for her because she chose to work for SCROTUS, but how the hell to you make sure your line and the line the boss is spinning are the same when the boss will randomly change his line and flatly deny he’s changed anything or ever said what you’re quoting him as saying at a moment’s notice and spends

I have a Very Good Boy - and I say this despite the huge holes I have in my hand currently from his fangs (emergency trip to A&E 2am last Thursday, oh joy, and new dressing every couple of days since). He didn’t mean it, it was my fault for pinching his skin when I trimmed his face floof. He’s very sorry.

But not just dogs - that would miss out the many British government cats. Cabinet office has two now to add to the Downing Street Cat, the Foreign Office Cat and the Treasury Cat.

Well, if his hair was in his face like it is in that pic I;d be uncomfortable too - it’s making me want to shove mine out of my face in sympathy and mine’s currently tied back and nowhere near my face. Am twitching just imagining the feeling. But if he wants his hair all up in his face and make uplike that it’s a free

i like Attenborough’s takeon it. He (paraphrased) saidthat there is an insect in Africa whose entire life cycle involves getting from rivvers into children’s eyes and making them go blind and people think God deliberately designed something like that? Not as far as he’s concerned because his God isnt that evil.

And Ivanka would finally have someone willing to buy her shoes.

I was lamenting with one of my friends the other day that our bar for not quite as bad as President has become ‘won’t accidentally start WWIII’.

Plus of course as well as being miserable and uncomfortable and/or downright painful pregnancy can be *fatal*. As a human being where there is a choice I should get to choose whether I want to do something that can *kill me* or not.

*hugs* You deserve all of the ice cream