Why bother with a simulator?
Why bother with a simulator?
As long as that danger is someone invading and taking over instead of nuking you all to hell would it really be a bad thing?
Uh no, he wasn’t concealing it from his doctors at all. He had multiple doctors all of whom knew of his mental state and more than one of whom had issued sick notes for him saying he should not be flying. However, none of those doctors were required to inform the airline or even check if he had passed the sick notes…
Do we have any evidence he actually knows what that means?
Oh yeah, me too. Print out the news report of what he did a million times and just keep sticking them on the memorial every time they get removed. I appreciate the family have a right to grieve but when your asshole relative does something like that you shouldn’t be shoving a memorial in everyone’s faces.
Ask her first, obviously, but - stock her freezer with easy to reheat meals, take the kids out or stay in the house with the kids so she can nap or go out herself, do the laundry, clean the house/just some of the house if it’s too much of a job, invite her over for coffee and don’t talk about anything to do with…
Well the youngest is only ten, kind of early to be wishing failure on him. I mean given his parents and older siblings odds are he’ll grow up to be an asshat, but give the kid a chance.
Also one of the ‘attacks’ on his list of terrorism was not terrorism and the mother of one of the victims is seriously pissed off that they would use her death in this way.
My new life goal is to deserve to have ‘Nevertheless, she persisted’ on my damn tombstone.
It will be debated - it hit the number of signatures necessary. But May won’t back down on this.
Although at her age if she were to become ‘ill’, no one could really argue. She’s got too much sense of duty to do that I suspect, but Charles might be able to talk her into it - he’d love a chance for a discussion with a Trump.
Do you really want Trump descending on you to ‘comfort’ victims?
Yes TrumptyDumpty an Islamic terrorist tried to attack the Louvre, it’s a good job your ban would have stopped him coming to the US... oh wait, he was from Egypt, one of the countries you didn’t include on the list because you have business interests there. So your laws would have done absolutely fuck all to help.…
Well if you’re applying them the way Trump fans and Conservative Christians do, they don’t. Hating the cups Starbucks had made on the subject of unity because they’re liberal propaganda and then claiming it’s a boycott when you have your supporters go in, buy coffee, and then give their name as Trump didn’t exactly…
When you consider how much of the American Jewish population is descended from refugees from Nazi Germany/Soviet Russia or Holocaust survivors it’s no surprise they are condemning his bullshit.
*snicker* So if they were to end up in the same room you reckon Arnie could get a good shot in before the secret service react? I figure if all he does is punch the guy he probably won’t get shot and he can probably afford bail and a good lawyer...
Ahaha ha, oh its cute that you think he’d have the ability or desire to stick to a script he hadn’t written on a regular basis. They might just be able to talk him into it for a one off event, provided the speech was short, but other than that why would he use someone else’s words? He has great words, the best words.
Thank you. Knew his role, didn’t know the name. Now I know who you’re all talking about. Actually covered the American Revolution for A Levels but we totally glossed over the Boston Massacre for some reason. I mean it came up as a reason Americans were angry, but only as part of a long list, never covered what…
Lmao. Read your first sentence and my first thought was well there’s your problem, Trumpster doesn’t like words.
That is a great picture.