
OMG it’s a large ball of fluff! What is it?

How long have you had her? She’s clearly learning to love and trust you.

You’re a good person for caring. And cold is better than hot IMO - you can always put more layers on; there’s a limit to how many you can take off - especially if your office has a no nudity policy ;)

I have a good friend who is a witch and I am totally offended by this - or not. She uses it herself as an insult, mainly to her kitten who has decided she is a combination chew toy and cat bed.

I am childless by choice and also very good with and fond of other people’s babies. People will not believe I don’t want my own when I’m cuddling theirs. Seriously why is it so hard to grasp that *ther people’s kids* are not the sameness as having your own. I don’t have to change them or feed them and I hand them back

I understand enforcing the EO because it’s their job, but the enthusiasm, lack of empathy, and just plain cruelty these immigration officials are doing it with makes me sick.

SOME of the Brits. Don’t give our MPs too much credit.

He also just defended holding a five year old (a US citizen at that, not that it would be better if he was a foreign national) for several hours because judging whether someone is a security risk based on their age would be a bad idea.

He also just defended holding a five year old (a US citizen at that, not that it would be better if he was a foreign national) for several hours because judging whether someone is a security risk based on their age would be a bad idea.

Notice how EGYPT, SAUDI ARABIA, and the UAE, aren’t on the list of countries targeted by this order? Even though all but one of the 9/11 hijackers came from those three countries? Can’t target countries our Dear Leader has business in/financial links to. His desire to ‘protect America from terrorism’ apparently isn’t

Given her ethnicity I am not at all surprised by her making this point. As someone of Armenian heritage she knows how othering and dehumanising people based on race, religion, or nationality ends.

It’s not all that weird - atheist is such a broad label, like Christian - it’s not surprising that you might not like a group that comes under such a broad label, but Mennonite is a much smaller more cohesive label, and from what I know they, like Quakers, are big on helping others and not so big on judging, you know

So I assume all those jackasses who make a big fuss about random Muslims who have nothing to do with it not condemning terror attacks that are committed by other people who claim to be Muslims now demanding all Canadians should be vocally condemning this unless they want us to believe that they’re all terrorists? No?

I’m scared of stairs and escalators too - my fear of heights is at the root of it not actually a belief I’m going to trip over my own feet, although I manage that on the flat often enough. I cling to the rail exactly like he is. And there aren’t several million people who would happily shove me down a flight of stairs

Well you know when he turns out to have been a sleeper agent for decades and blows thing sup how are they going to catch him? I mean Rupp’s their best chance but I don’t think he’s going to join the FBI any time soon... Can’t let one of these terrorists in who can out run the government agents.

In the U.K., according to what I just saw on Who Do You Think You Are apparently it was brought to us by Sir Ian McKellen’s great great grandfather (don’t trut me on the number of greats). I’m going to look up his movement in Manchester and learn more about him. It was fascinating.

Your kid sounds wonderful. More anecdotes about people like him would do wonders for our collective positivity. We need a weekly post that is just look at these good things that have happened/good people we have encountered this week. Good animals would count too.

Pretty certain you’d have to be living under a rock not to know that (especially with the Trump lookalike inflatable rooster news story) so the idiot you’re responding to is either deliberately being a jackass or very stupid - either way there’s no point arguing with them. My resolution this year was to stop engaging

Was just going to point out that with his record he’d have trouble getting a visa to get into most civilised countries.

The best Nixon quote I’ve heard was a phonecall from Woodward to Bernstein (possibly the other way around) when Ford pardoned him where in lieu of hello he opened the conversation with ‘The son of a bitch pardoned the son of a bitch.’.