Especially since he then proceeded to be more solicitous of her and pay her more attention than her dumpster fire of a husband.
Especially since he then proceeded to be more solicitous of her and pay her more attention than her dumpster fire of a husband.
He also mentioned there are several versions of the unemployment rate (they were asking him about the official figures so no there aren’t) and talked about Trump meeting the UK’s head of state on Friday, which I’m sure is a (not entirely) delightful surprise for Her Majesty, who was no doubt unaware of the fact.…
That was my thought! Who puts the parking on the first floor and not the ground? (or in American 2nd floor and not 1st)
Terrorists and dictators are normally the ones who hate education - because they realise if you’re well educated and well-informed you won’t fall for their bullshit. And now we can apparently add the GOP, or at least its most right wing fringe, to that list.
Did you really just ask if he has someone working for him whose opinion he listens to? You remember who you’re talking about, right?
He doesn’t use a tie clip, IMO, because the way he wears them so long he’d need the clip to be too far down. It would look ridiculous. Which isn’t to say tape doesn’t *also* look ridiculous but I bet he came up with that solution himself and thus it’s a great idea, the greatest, and he only uses the best tape, and no…
Basically the President isn’t covered by most ethics rules because the Presidency covers everything so anything could be a conflict of interest so the laws would have to be very complex and they figured they could rely on the President just following tradition and tossing everything in a blind trust. And until Trump,…
That’s how the Anita Blake books does it if I remember correctly.
No ill feeling to George H W Bush at all, but I think during his term (unless he quits really fast) Trump might be handling a presidential funeral. When I saw Bush was in hospital my thoughts were first I hope he gets better and on the heels of that oh God can you imagine Trump at a funeral?
Not really on topic, but that mouse gif is brilliant!
Yeah but crime shows normally focus on serious crimes - I mean if someone committed perjury and that caused an innocent man to go to jail or got a serial killer off so they could keep killing I could see that making the plot of a crime show, but lying about having an affair? Not exactly the crime of the century.
The kind of you now think you’re a chicken thing you get on stage is faked, but hypnotism to allow people to recall things they’ve witnessed better, by making them take a step back mentally from what they’re recalling and relax so they can give details, and hypnosis for treating phobias and addictions is definitely a…
They’re writing it because people read it.
You won’t see me when I’m angry ... Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it but it’s a terrifying thought.
See it’s so that we’ll have a good guy with a gun around when someone starts shooting. I’d put good money on the more likely scenario being some asshat gun toting staff member fails to properly secure the gun and instead of having to plan a rampage some angry bundle of hormones grabs it and shoots up their classmates.
I think it looks like he’s the one in need of a hug.
So’s hiding in your office drinking tea and eating biscuits during Ramadan but it never stopped my boss. He hid in his office so the clients wouldn’t know.
Not convinced any of those guys are as old as 23.
Even if the end result is the same she wasn’t put in solitary for her own protection. She was put in solitary because attempted suicide is a violation of the UCMJ and as such she was being *punished* for it. I just cannot understand any system which feels that someone who is suicidal should be punished *more* for that…
Well no, but we have an extradition treaty with you guys too so assuming you actually wanted him for anything, which right now you don’t, we’d hand him over pretty easily. So all you’d have to do is file the charges as soon as it looked like he was leaving and we’d happily gift wrap him for you.