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I really wanted to see the Lost intro after the guy asks "Who are you?"

They didn't have to compete because they removed the app from iOS all together. Now that it's back, they've got to get their shit together quick.

Competition brings about great innovation. Your move Apple. Let's see what you've got.

In North Korea if you smile, you die...

If you've read the book by Daniel H. Wilson called Amped, you'll know how awesome this is!!

Have they still not added the feature to constantly watch specified folders for new music files and show them in my library like the Zune player did? The whole "Automatically Add to iTunes" crap is stupid. I want my music in iTunes to update automatically if I edit a file's meta-data and vice versa.

It's too early in the morning to dispute the proper use of a tampon. Both applications block flow. Enough said.

Soooo they're going to plug the subway tunnels with a giant inflatable tampon? Brilliant!

What's the best kind of coffee to serve after Thanksgiving dinner?

Why hasn't anyone been complaining about chat sounds? I'm sure you'll be able to uncheck the sound box in settings just like chat does. Simple as that.

This post's title is strongly misleading. Do you seriously think the GOP has a stance on when software should be implemented to voting systems? Are they going to debate this topic at the next presidential debates? Do the Democrats feel differently on when software should be implemented? Should businesses hire IT

No shit, hard to feel pain when you're dead.

How is it going to have 3G/LTE connectivity with an all metal back?

Did someone say crash an airplane on purpose??

Whoa!! Who forgot to replace the 1993 calendar at RIM?!?

Is the emo/hipster who snapped this pic attempting to commit suicide too? What are the odds of him/her being up there too? Staged....

Ok I confess, I clicked for the bewbs...

So does this mean no battery cases for the iPhone 5??

I mean, it's like the WANT Terminator to become reality....

Did they scale up the keyboard for the 4" screen or did they keep the keys the same size and just add extra keys?