Joel Rubin

Well, Blizzard't probably gonna get sued over it, so... yeah.

So, you're just gonna travel there and tell customers that they should just play a different game when the New Hotness isn't working? Somehow I don't think that'll go over very well. The issue is not which games they choose to carry, but which games are popular right now.

Not the same thing at all.

The jacket thing always weirded me out—why destroy or soak your coat? What if she gets cold later on?

Go out and find someone who's trained in Tai Chi for years and pick a fight with them, tell me how that goes.

1) Your sexuality, hererosexuality in general, is "in peoples' faces" all the time. Every time you mention your girlfriend, or hold hands, or talk about sex, or kiss in public, you're in someone's face about it if they don't happen to be straight. Why is it okay for you but not for them?

You're still assuming I didn't like MGS4 because it was too "diverse", or that I don't like diversity in games—which comes off as an insult. You're belittling me because my opinion doesn't gel with your own. I WANT diverse games. But there's a love for truly wonky and out-there diversity, then there's apologists and

Yes, you're so hardcore, and I'm just so casual, because I'm a jerk because I don't like the one guy you like, I think I'll just stick with my casual games because I'm just. So. Casual. I guess I'll have to buy a Wii now because you've simply taken away my confidence in more manly consoles like the ones you play.

You're right—implementation, cleverness, genre-awareness, tact, and restraint. None of which Kojima has shown in recent memory.

Dude, I fell asleep during the ending of MGS4. I woke up 20 minutes later, watched for four minutes, then wound up shouting at the screen "Will you just shut up and DIE!!!".

A "happy medium" between what, exactly? It's exactly my point—there is no middle ground to stand on.

Okay, let me clarify: MGS3, as it was initially released, was a wash. The enemies could spot you from far outside of your screen view. Only the re-release made it playable—so Kojima releasing it in the state it was in was a knock against him.

Oh, now you're insulting my intelligence. Yet you're assuming I've been hacked, and that I've bought the game. If you'll read above, you'll see that I've done neither.

I play single-player games. MGS is a single-player stealth/action game. How's "social" a "great asset" to either myself or this game?

It's just proof, at least to me, that this guy has no respect for his own work.

No, there are no "confirmed cases" of a hack with an authenticator, though it's been claimed as such—but given Blizzard's deleting forum threads left and right, there might well be, we'll never know. But the two initial reports on this (before Kotaku even picked it up) had several comments, within hours of posting,

Nope, sorry.

You know what? It is "like" 18 packs of ramen. That is, "like", often a chunk of food budget. Not everyone has a lot of free cash.

I don't care if they "go from inexpensive up to expensive", they're an added cost. As is the stupid dongle.

Blizzard customers wouldn't be at a high rate of compromise if 1) They didn't link blizzard forums to account logins (if you recall, they wanted you to even use your real name before that got shot down), and 2) if I didn't have to be online in the first place You need a smartphone/app-running tablet-type thing, which