Oh god, dude, I'm so sorry.
Oh god, dude, I'm so sorry.
Yeah, but for a combat rifle, that accuracy isn't half bad. Many level 68 guns from BL1 with great stats had accuracy of less than 90%—and this is only a level 25. (I'm basing the combat rifle on the 18-round mag, and the icon below—and in fact the idea of a Jakobs Combat Rifle alone is making me very happy...)
"First thing, there are no tags displayed in the main page, and..."
"Muskets are actually quite accurate against formations." So one guy racing forwards on horseback is a "formation"?
No, I think you can download any OS version, so you're not "locked in" to on OS. Once you pay, you can download any game installer from any OS you like.
You can up your donation on the download page, and I think you get the bonuses if you do. There's a link that says "Like what we're doing? Click here to increase your order amount!"
Thank you so much for that chuckle—I've had a shortage this month.
Again, you assume. You assume I'm white simply because I disagree with you. But in just about all fantasy, elves represent Native American (sometimes Aboriginal) belief systems and such.
I didn't know Colorado was in Britain. The More You Know...
Short, sweet, truthful. Happytime Brownies away!
There are many, many alternate theories for how to divert an incoming object. "Blow it up" isn't on anyone's option list anymore.
On HuffPo, this same study resulted in several comments that made me simply depressed—people who seem to think that dumping billions of tons of waste, gas, and junk into the ecosystem will have zero harmful effects. Or people too selfish to care about something that affects other people.
The DRM is non-essential. The online is not a significant or required part of the game—it's optional. But the always-on requirement exposed people to glitches, lag, hangups, and exploitation and hacking, all so Blizzard can prevent the tiny bit of loss due to piracy. It's unethical, and I'll not support it.
Fine, read in what you want. Again, Zhalfir is not "your people". It is not Africa. You share no culture with them. Neither are elves "my people", though they share certain cultural characteristics.
Oh, trust me, we know it. I can't talk to a PC gamer for more than two minutes without the diatribe beginning.
You do not live in Dominaria either. In fact, the goddamn place doesn't exist. Any racial traits you associate with, or don't, don't exist in that universe at all. Funny how "fantasy" is just that.
The combat isn't as combo-heavy as GOW, but it does have some depth, and the various sub-weapons you find make it interesting. I never got bored—it was quite often challenging, even for basic enemies.
Uh... the Vic Viper's from Gradius. It was stuck in ZOE2 as a bit of a cameo/crossover.