I followed the link to the "best of Jenna' vid. I now know I must watch that show. All of it. Is it on Netflix? Lemme check...
I followed the link to the "best of Jenna' vid. I now know I must watch that show. All of it. Is it on Netflix? Lemme check...
My wife's been kicking around a book for a few years, she's to the point of having the main arc finished but tweaking the dialogue. I imagine she will find this most useful.
I'm simply curious: have we not heard about the dangers and invasions of privacy and selling of data to third parties perpetrated by Facebook and Google numerous times on Gawker sites?
MGS4 was kind of a long, boring movie. If you're gonna start, definitely start with MGS1 and go forward, if you can't handle the long-winded oratory and non-game parts of that, you probably won't like the nine-plus-hours of badly written talky-talky in MGS4.
Bah. I was kind of hoping for a surreal, creepy sort of thing, not a bombastic opera blast with a skeleton.
Didn't say "rare", just "chimera". As in something composed of parts of many things.
They were plenty negative about the Vita, there were tons of Vita stories about how Sony fucked up pricing and such, and how it's not selling very well. There were articles about hot Kinect games aren't quite living up to the hype. About how the Move seems unappealing. About how Sony's screwing around with exploitive…
With everything except 10 minutes—would have to mean 30. But I thought a pictograph would help—seemed to be a lot of people confused by the description.
70 minutes from starting the game to get to the dungeon.
I think the problem is not the amount of story—it's the amount of non-played, put-the-controller-down-and-watch, "unskippable portion that holds your hand while we show you the most inane parts of combat and gameplay you could glean from a twenty-page manual" part of the game that seems to be increasing over time.
Oh my god.
Now THAT's dedication to a craft...
Dude, she made that tumble almost a year ago. The video you linked to is dated April 2011. And it says she fell 04/08/11.
"We" can't agree that the Sphinx has water erosion if "we" includes historians. Geologists wouldn't argue that it's not water erosion, it's the egyptologists that do. There's no way it's not water erosion.
I read the books. I have female friends who requested it. Yes, I'm sorry too.
She's actually who I said would have been a perfect Storm upon leaving the theater, and my wife agreed. It's odd that she was actually being considered. Even with the film being made much later, I still think she'd have done the role much better.
Oh my word—that's certainly a more rousing trailer. With fan-TAS-tic music, too. Was that music in the film?
Actually, no. If you buy a game new at any store, they will only give you another copy of the same game. Meaning if you buy, for example, Star Wars Galaxies, they will only give you another copy of Star Wars Galaxies.
Let it run however long there's interest, but I'd say three years at a minimum is a good goal.
I will admit to finding this myself last night, and playing it on repeat for over an hour while gaming.