
LOL sure

Who's conflating anyone's tastes into religious intolerance? You said that "after I realized Aslan is Jesus I could never get through any of his stuff," and I said that it's silly to avoid an author just for using a Jesus allegory because it's undeniable that Christianity, whether you're a believer or an atheist (such

No, Paul Atraides is a version of Mohammed. Hence all the Arabic terms. Mohammed fled to Medina (the flight, known as the Hegira), and returned to conquer; Paul fled to the desert and return to conquer. The followers of Mohammed spread far and wide, converting and conquering, just as Paul's Fremen spread across the

If you think CS Lewis is lame, you probably haven't read The Screwtape Letters.

Pretty sure he was a Mohammed allegory

After every game where Lebron has to guard the other team's best wing, he should watch this clip, look himself in the mirror and yell "YOU ARE NOT A GM" 100 times.

I thought the move was a dumb move for Cleveland at the time, and it looks like a historically awful move now.

It's actually more fun to watch the four other Rockets make no attempt to get open as Harden just mashes buttons for 10 seconds. Good offense.

(1) Don't.

Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.

Okay, I'm going to explain the joke here, which is pretty obvious and which I think most people get without having to have it explained to them! These silly tweets, which are definitely not worth an article on their own, are a trivial but telling example of the way Dan Rafael, the most prominent member of the boxing

Pat Riley gets Dragic. Miami is not going to be bad.

I know i'm going to come across as a dick... but whatever,

Well, we now know what those personal reasons were

Veteran character actor Robert Constanzo as Chris Berman:

In a similar vein as the person reading Bradbury's "Martian Chronicles," I'm working my way through the so called Space Trilogy by C S Lewis. I've already finished the first two installments, "Out of the Silent Planet" and "Perelandra," which were both excellent. I couldn't put them down! I'm not about a third of the

Oh, Christ, Sam Harris. Sounds like an insufferably shitty rebutt of insufferable shit.

I can't finish this novel quickly enough. For me, it's stood up to all of the hype. No spoilers! I have about 200 pages left.

A great friend will call you every day. . . I'll get so wrapped up in my shit, I'll never remember that stuff.