
As is tradition, we’re going to ask you to buy a Chevy SS because we won’t, but we like when others do it on our behalf. Your other options are that oldish Caddy wagon /V, a 40K Saab if you can find one or a Mazda 6 because it’s a great sport car with a big soul and absolutely not a generic fwd midsize with a rough

AC blows cold!!1! Serious buyers only.

“No low-ballers, I know what I have.”

I was going to comment that this is

You sir, are wrong.

Sorry, but no.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 be damned, I say anyone, in order to be allowed to vote, should pass the same test for citizenship that we give to immigrants.

You can try to pretend Trump was not elected because blue collar workers got forgotten by the Democrates, but I am not sure it will help much going forward.

And yet Democrats for all their impotent rage still won’t show up to vote.

glad someone else made that joke, that’s immediately what I thought when I saw this ad.

Unless this was formerly John Voight’s car, then I’ll pass.

Cool way to get your car hit by an already bad or old driver.

Forgive my ignorance, if it even is that, but why would there even be gendered video game competitions? To ensure equal participation? Or...What exactly is the point of a men’s CSGO tournament and a women’s? Pretty sure we all rush B.

But would you watch the fuck out of a show with Mike Brewer and Richard Rawlings? Because that’s probably what we’ll actually get.

Not that I have anything against Acer, I buy a ton of their stuff, but are they really a top tier manufacturer? They seem to be more in the cost-effective stratum of the market.

Not that I have anything against Acer, I buy a ton of their stuff, but are they really a top tier manufacturer?

Has Nintendo issued a takedown notice of his book yet?

When do we see the follow up where Nintendo issues a takedown notice?
