
Swear da god, these hipsters are so friggin self-centered, obnoxious douche bags.

It it's FWD, it's not a sports car. Let's start there.

So basically most of the misery you had was due to your shoddily built bike with a whopping 1 speed that gets you up to a stupefyingly fast 8 mph(!), weighed a ton because you bought a *very* heavy steel frame, then had the wisdom to pop on a fat rear tire that made matters even worse? To top it off you used spacers

Because nothing says "sports car" like slinging gravel into the rear quarterpanels.

I wonder if they have discount replacement smoke. I hate paying OEM prices.

When someone shakes my hand without looking at me, i immediately assume that person hates me.

C'mon people, be more like Peter Gibbons.

Wouldn't this raise your property tax?

Are you an appraiser? Because I was about to type the same information :)

Hmm people still have books? Do people like clutter?? I guess it's cool now because it's impractical, and special snowflakes looove being impractical because it makes them special since most people are too busy for that shit. Welcome to the digital age, get rid of your books, they can all be contained in a single

It doesn't look like a Harley. It doesn't sound like a Harley. It really doesn't even have Harley Davidson Trim or Features which makes it worse than the Eddie Bauer's or LL Beans...No true contractor would get it as his work truck...So I guess it's left to you and the "Hell's Orthodontists" you hang out with.

Ferrari LaFerrari

There isn't enough Alain De Cadenet on these pages!

My body was not ready.

As people have pointed out to me in the past, I'll pass it on. WD-40 is great for penetrating and un-sticking screws and for WD (water displacement). It's not a great general purpose lubricant, so use a lubricating oil pen instead for squeaky hinges.

So what you're trying to say is that I'm always right and anyone that disagrees with me is my mortal enemy?

Regardless of your intentions - when you refer to these people as "white-guy change makers" you're making it a matter of race, and you're also being racist.

Ok well most of that was implied. You're casting me, as a white male business owner out basically saying that it isn't my right to live and work here.

I am white. I am a man. I have a business in Detroit (I'm one of the t-shirt makers you knock in the article).