You’d have a frown if you went from a NYC penthouse to government housing.
You’d have a frown if you went from a NYC penthouse to government housing.
There is a large demographic, more than 50% of people, for which social proof is incredibly influential. I won’t tell you what demographic that is, but it’s something every man should know.
There is a large demographic, more than 50% of people, for which social proof is incredibly influential. I won’t…
Muh dik
LOL. Remember, athletics isn’t the only type of competition where men and women compete separately. Competitive chess is segregated also.
Safety? Really? Safety of what? Explain.
They are called Lego Fucking Bricks.
I think that this confirms that God is NOT a Corvette guy.
Confused Wifey: Get your own job and quit living off the teat of the American Taxpayer. Then see if you have the cajones to get a divorce.
Those arguments don’t work for “fucking white male(s)“
It’s a witch hunt. Oh the irony.
Hold my beer...
“These warranties do not cover damage to any component that is the result of operating the vehicle in any competition or racing event.”
If a bitch wants an open relationship.... dump her. Then date her best friend/sister/mom.
I took a 72 month loan on my car, but it was 0%. It’s literally a discount.
Jesus christ. Are you going to pass safety inspection with the booger weld on that roll cage?
Time to end the subsidies.
And you’d know this after how many years as a bounty hunter?
First bike a new bike? I dropped my first bike before I ever even rode it.