
This isn’t an “Oops! I had an accident,” moment. This is an asshole who thinks they are special and that the rules of the road and polite society in general don’t apply to him. This is a name and shame moment, and Jalopnik failed to name and shame.

Lawler’s Law: First team to 100 points wins.

The irony of making racist facial expressions in the most racist country in the world.

Mama Bird: You and your husband are to blame here. You indulged your son’s excentricities and allowed him (and you) to throw away time and money on a nearly useless degree. What else would you expect a theater degree holder to do with their diploma - certainly not work in a theater. That’s not even a job - it’s

I could show these little children how a man does a rage quit.

I don’t want robots to destroy us

Because it’s not live and let live, it’s respect my pronouns or you are literally Hitler and die of dick cancer.

It’s cool. We can kick people out for being communists who create an uncomfortable environment for other customers.

Nothing to be sorry about here.

Oh hai

How about mandating that 80% of their money be squirreled away so they don’t end up broke living with their parents - or worse - after their career is over.

F U C K . F L Y I N G

That was 39 years ago, back when Hillary was a Goldwater girl.

Bullshit. If women could compete at the same level as men, they’d never shut up about it. Women leagues in gaming, be it computers or chess is because women are not able to compete with men.

When ISIS and Globalist Banksters are on your side, you might want to rethink what you are fighting for.

It’s called an easement and there are laws to protect marking of underground utilities, etc. for the purposes of protecting life and property.

Not everyone is willing to give up their warranty and $150 for a measley 9hp.

I sort of like it.

Haha. She’s broke, frittered her money away on crap, and has a loser ex-husband that is going to bleed her dry. Awesome.

Heh. Men pay for children that aren’t theirs all the time because some judge decides that it’s in the best interest of the child. I’m OK with MJB cucking herself on child support payments for kids who aren’t hers.