
From the reviews I’ve read, the weight plates on these have a tendency to come off while being used, and the retention mechanism can break easily unless extreme care is used when returning them to their base.

From the reviews I’ve read, the weight plates on these have a tendency to come off while being used, and the

Who cares. Just go there to drink on the cheap.

That’s good shit there.

Griefing means what, and reported and decided by who? Besides team killing (sometimes accidental), what exactly constitutes griefing?

Did she spin by clamping onto something with her teeth? Because I think we saw the same stripper.

Buy gold or silver!

Buy gold or silver!

I get what you are saying, but you are wrong. These are going to be outfit accessories for the Beverly Hills types, just like their $50k handbags.

That site is about as old as his van. And it’s awesome!

I guess I don’t know shit from Shinola, because these watches look like shit to me.

I guess I don’t know shit from Shinola, because these watches look like shit to me.

If they give you 0% always take the longest term possible. Just dont buy more than you need. And don’t get a bad deal.

Does this take into account negative interest rates?


You run a publicly accessible: ssh server, web server, secure web server, remote desktop, another web server or web management interface (port 8080), and a bunch of other shit? Or do you not have any idea what you are doing? Or worse... you use uPnP?

A redline a day keeps the mechanic away.

Surprise! They’re black!

Is there a way to remove the ads?

Is there a way to remove the ads?

He had no business being married. He’s going to be getting almost as much pussy as Leo.

Muh dik

I don’t think you understand. Compact Flash cards specifically implement the UDMA protocol. I don’t know if that is implemented when adapting SD or MicroSD cards to Compact Flash. Just because the adapters connect, doesn’t mean it will work.

I don’t think you understand. Compact Flash cards specifically implement the UDMA protocol. I don’t know if that