It’s crap.
I’m 40 and I like it, and I got the money.
No mention of .338 Lapua
If you’ve never been white, you don’t know what racism is.
LOL! Cognitive dissonance intensifies.
1: If you want more sex/affection, and she’s not giving it to you, dump her. Man up already.
Really? REALLY?!?
Kate you are a sexist. Pure and simple sexist. You’re clearly violating the principle of tolerance. If the cheese wants to represent itself that way, who are you to pass judgment. You bigot. Next you’ll be telling the cheese what bathroom it can use.
They probably get money from the government without doing work.
Definitely. They don’t even know that they can use a belt to hold up their pants.
Idiots. Attaching the chain to a point higher than the hitch creates an upward force, reducing traction. They should have attached the chain lower on the door.
dat Fiero doe
Safety third, bitch
A question cannot be a projection.
So what you are saying is that black people are ignorant?