
Wrong. It will work just fine with new power supplies.

Wrong. It will work just fine with new power supplies.

Quit spewing BS. It will work on any Apple product ever made.

Quit spewing BS. It will work on any Apple product ever made.

Bullshit. You don’t need a sine wave unless you are running something like an alternating current motor. This model is just fine for home and individual PCs.

Bullshit. You don’t need a sine wave unless you are running something like an alternating current motor. This model

If your woman cheats on you... that’s it. Dump her. Never take her back. Maybe she can be a fuckbuddy, but she has revealed her true nature and is never to be trusted.

It got off the water, but didn’t fly. Ground effect only.

drive one and you’ll understand

Tap into his sprinklers and steal his water that he’s not using.

Fuck you Clockmhed

this time, it’s for real

They are all male.

Nonsense. Women take the jobs they want to do. Which is why they aren’t garbage collectors, miners, or construction workers. They also have the privilege of being able to have children.

This is such BS. It doesn’t explain anything and just perpetuates the myths. The facts are that women have the privilege of choosing to go into fields that interest them more, or stay at home and have children. If you think technology is inappropriately male dominated, what about mining, waste management,

LOL. No. You couldn’t be more wrong.

The driver said it was an accident due to bug bite. It was not malice.

Not a roll bar.

After school, we met in the parking lot to get into the Buick Century. We then drove to the teachers house, where we waited in the car for about 10 minutes. Then one of us started driving. We were driving for about 30 miles down a side road before the teacher woke up. The teacher was drunk and passed out. We found out

Jebus. It was an accident.


That would kill the whole look

ZOMG Spinelli cut his hair!!!