
Oh I get it, ICE is good so long as it ignores special interest groups. Namely, women, cripples, children, the elderly, muslims, jews, lgbtq+, furries, necros, etc.

How is a dollar worth anything? The simple truth is a dollar bill is worth a dollar because people have decided it is worth a dollar.

How is this the GOP’s fault? California, and San Francisco in particular, is as blue and leftist as it gets.

Fuckin Lib Dem tard santuary shithole. Bet the turds are full of beans and chili peppers.

Well, at least we have a bunch of new videos of antifa being assholes.

You are incorrect.  Actually, by stifing the ability for an opinion to be heard, you are not respecting it.

I am not, and never have been, a Trump or Jones supporter. That said:

Attempting to silence any movement, instead of letting them shout their dumbass opinions, is always a bad idea. I’d rather know who the idiots are, and be able to readily point to them, than remove them for some “hate speech” bullshit. Like, Alex Jones is hateful, but has he or any of his supporters ever done any actua

They enforce it one way.  Look at Candace Owens getting her account reviewed for copy/pasting the new NYTimes person’s tweets but replacing “white” with “Jew”.  I’m of the latter, and I think she should be allowed to tweet that in any context really.  But NYTimes lady wasn’t even reviewed.  This is an effort against

Nothing lends credibility to a popular conspiracy theorist like half a dozen or more major corporations completely independently banning him on the same day. 300 square yards of bay area is making a power play to control the free speech (which is different and distinct from “the first amendment”) of the entire nation.

Yea, I don’t listen, but I’ve seen snippets.

Bingo, that is exactly why Zuckerberg, stated in front of a congressional hearing, that perhaps Facebook SHOULD be regulated.

That right there sums up how Trump gets a second term, and the ‘blue wave’ fails. #AbolishICE will be the Bernie of 2018 that fractures the left. 

Well, it’s not even that so far as I can tell. They’ll have 300,000 documents by August 20th. The full 900,000 documents by the end of October. It’s not like they won’t do this in stages and give the Senators things to read. Archives knows what it’s doing. The split is Grassley pulled the documents for when he served

Have you ever tried to find a million documents from the 2000s?

we should not be allowing people with purely political motivations to generate outrage for the purpose of destroying their opponents. That’s not how any of this should work.

Sir, that is a far more rational take than anyone at Gizmodo is contractually allowed to make.

I get what you’re saying and Disney, of all entities, has some fucking gall, but that stuff he was tweeting was really awful and like, consistently awful. It wasn’t like one or two tweets, it was a bunch. About kids. 

Direct action making themselves the self-appointed government. Thus enacting fascism.

That would be a political aim.