
Fixed. Perfect gender equality. You are welcome Facebook.

So.. They’ve replaced one terrible looking logo with another? I mean, the women in front has the same “gender discrimination” effect against men. It doesn’t make sense in any use case if they are actually trying to be “fair”.

How do you get out?

This. This x 1,000. Zune really kicked iTunes butt. A shame the public is so closed minded. If Apple had come out with the ZunePass, Tech journalists would have died of a massive orgasm.

Pretty much no tire grips well while breaking, since it's, well, broken.

No matter how it turns out, I say we still riot.

First, we’re not looking at trillions of dollars. NASA’s budget is a bit below $19 billion/yr, only part of which goes to space settlement enabling work. Most approaches to settlement these days involve single digit billions per year of taxpayer money for a few decades, not anywhere near trillions.

same can be said for Beats’ former parent company Monster Cable and Beats’ current parent company Apple. marketing > quality

Another quality Apple product.

I was more surprised to learn bologna was supposed to be beef.

About two weeks, assuming regular use. People have been making neuroprosthetics for a while now. Adaptation time varies a bit depending on how complicated and nonintuitive the input is, but in general that is about how long it takes for the brain to wire a strange new signal into its general sense-of-the-world

Now playing

If Microsoft and Turn10 can cook up a Forzavista mode on Forza 6 in conjunction with Oculus Rift’ VR and Kinect’s motion detection for a hyper immersive walk-around mode, I just might be sold.

I don’t know what happened, but all of a sudden, the idea of losing an arm doesn’t sound all that bad.

How often do developers fix the bugs that you report? Never, or never ever?

What if we could create a patch that made us allergic to red meat?

While the infographic seems somewhat useful, I question the accuracy. The fact that none go past 12 months seems like that time period may be somewhat arbitrary. What happens to juice concentrate on month 13? Can’t say I’ve ever noticed a difference.

And who would decide what’s true and false. Thats beyond stupid to even try to go down that path. I can’t believe people actually exist who think that would be a good idea.

This or the Gold Apple Watch?

NPE’s should be legally barred from filing, owning, controlling patents or filing lawsuits regarding patents. I would also support rapid patent expiration ( <5 years ) for patents not brought to market within that time period, and much shorter patents ( 7 - 10 years ) for all patents, no matter what.

The skies i see today are not the same skies i grew up with. Keep drinking the kool aid, keep explaining it away and keep smiling. In the meantime, alzheimer's is now becoming more and more prevalent in younger and younger people. And, why does this article keep talking about respiratory diseases and not cancer? Or