
I thought that was Taylor Swift.

It's ergonomic you apple polishing dorks.

It contours to all your curves.

This is a feature. The phone bends to conform to your anatomy.

Oh comon, its probably a design feature they forgot to market.

I don't want that one! I want the 8K, 4D, binaural sound octo-core version that they will probably announce next month, considering their rate of progress.

Dear Microsoft,

I tweaked the wording a little but the point still stands! Smartwatches are new ground, especially for Apple.

This "Slow the Internet" protest would have worked if Google had done more than sending a 2-paragraph email. Google could have made EVERY internet user feel the effects of what could happen if the FCC proceeds with the fast-lane/slow-lane it's proposed.

I think actually making the page "load" for a while would work. Like a big fat loading animation right in the middle of the screen.

Don't microwave it. It makes your whole house stink for hours. Put it on the top rack of your dishwasher. Unless you don't have a dishwasher, then just throw it away because it costs like like a $1.29 and you can afford that every three weeks. If you can't, maybe cut down on your alcohol intake for one night and pay

Hitler? Jefferson hated that guy.

They died doing what they loved...IN SPAAACEEE

I'll bite on that. However, if that is the case (quite believable), I'd still say its state of flux is probably getting messed up with the extra warming going on.

Not quite right. It's "In the beginning, there was #000000. Then God said 'Let there be #ffffff'".

Thank you! I just looked this doo-dad up and will be investigating a purchase in the very near future!

Bought one of these at a garage sale for like 25 cents, and it is the best thing ever. Love my Butter Bell.

Oh trust me, I know.

Xbox One would have had a similar but better system if the Internet didn't go all autistic ass explosion on Microsoft two years ago