
6. Nopetopia. Earth is taken over by spiders and other ideas of r/nope

They're going to sell it in a bundle with Half-Life 3.

Gravity and acceleration are equivalent. Mass is how much stuff there is, and is invariant under different gravity/acceleration fields. Weight is the force gravity/acceleration exerts on a given mass. An object that weighs 1 pound on earth would weigh 1/6 pound on the moon, and 2.5 pounds on the surface of Jupiter.

Saying mass and weight are the same is like saying velocity and speed are the same. In both cases they are related by a common property, but they are not equivalent. They are not "the same".

If it was an iphone, it was already broken.

Now playing

Such technology could be used to make flawless recordings, as envisioned by Metalocalypse.

What a let down, here I thought this article was going to detail Oculus's upcoming motion controller. Please work on your title phrasing!

Good for him.

A true american hero if i've ever seen one.

I would definitely prefer if he just absorbed all visible light.

Kinja, all we need is some code that looks for a car manufacturer, a dollar sign and a web URL. It would solve like 95% of the spam here.

Better yet , paint Bieber and tape mouth closed.

It's like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None more black.

blackest thing in existence.... these people have clearly never seen my ex's heart

Can't take credit, but worth a shared smile:

You have four errors in an eight-word sentence.

Well that's one way to say "use other door".

I don't think someone willing to live in a missile silo would see being remote as a drawback. Well, I certainly wouldn't.